
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Working outside........

We are having glorious cooler low humidity weather so I was working outside almost all day yesterday.  I passed the zinnia bed many times.
I added 6 more fabrics to the Kaffe Fassett fabric catalog "page" on my right sidebar.  There are 2 fabrics like this.  This is the 22" width of folded fabric and the other side is a repeat of this.
Free brush pick up by the city is next week so I have been trimming bushes and cutting dead branches.  Most of it is in the far corner of the backyard so I'm really getting my exercise hauling it up to the front of my driveway.  Then I mowed the grass.

Here are some more zinnia photos.  There is such a variety of styles of the flowers from 2 packs of seeds.



  1. Those zinnia colors are beautiful! Thank you for sharing the Kaffe catalog. I've probably glanced at Roman Glass and Paperweight and thought they were one and the same.

  2. You know, the colors in zinnias are like Kaffe Fasset fabric. My zinnias have perked up. Next year, I am planting more. You need a garden cart to move your stuff.

  3. Your zinnias are beautiful they really are like the colors in your quilts. Am I right in thinking you planted these from seed?

  4. Good morning Wanda.....You continue to amaze me with your ability to do all that garden work by yourself. You are indeed a WANDAWOMAN! The zinnias are so pretty and colorful and really grow well from seed. I didn't plant any this year, but maybe next summer. Have a good day.

  5. I love zinnias! One of my favorite flowers. I haven't planted any in awhile. I need to do that again next spring!

  6. beautiful flowers - here in the country we do not have a brush pick up, wish we did we either have to burn it or pull it to the woods to let it rot naturally.

  7. I love the red one. What a color!

  8. Happy dance seeing all your zinnias.....mine are doing the same. Love the cooler weather. Hugs to you dear lady!

  9. Loved your flower photo's. I double zoomed in on that first photo - I've not seen a flower like that before. I'm definitely going to buy a packet of seeds for next year. Good to hear you had perfect weather to spend all day in the garden. Hopefully it's nice for us tomorrow as we've got a day return train ride up to Newcastle tomorrow, leaving 5.50am, so we have lots of hours to explore the City :)

  10. So much enjoyment from a plot of zinnias! Thanks for sharing, your photographs are so good.

  11. Your zinnias are gorgeous! Mine have done better this year than I can ever remember. And some of them are so tall - 8 feet! When they do well they are truly one of the best flower plants out there in the Summer!

  12. Which brand of zinnia seeds do you plant? You've inspired me to plant them for next spring!

  13. Wow! Two packs of seeds? Do they attract butterflies and bees? That's a lot of flowers for so little investment.


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