
Friday, September 23, 2016

Progress on many things.............

I sewed 6 more blocks and cut them into quarters for the Bento Box quilt.  Then I assembled 3 blocks from some of the quarter blocks.  I have 10 more blocks to sew and cut into quarters so I hope I can get a few more sewn today.  I also have to mix 2 batches of cookie dough and vacuum the basement to prepare for Monday.

My living room has stacks of quilts and quilt tops that I will be taking to the workshop Sunday.

The coffee table is piled too and after taking this photo I pulled a bunch of wallhangings and they are piled on the couch now.  I need to figure out a way to pack them so that I have them in order and separated by categories.
This Aster is growing in the crack between the sidewalk and the steps.  I kept meaning to cut it down but when I saw it forming buds I decided to let it bloom first and then I'll cut it.

The ones that come up from seed aren't as dark of a purple as the original plant.  The bees and other insects like them just as well though.


  1. I love these volunteer plants! I have a coneflower on my walk and it looks great.

  2. Bento looks better each time.
    Your workshop will be fabulous.....just to see all those quilts and tops. Wow, what fun. Good luck with it all.

  3. The Bento box is coming along quite nicely. The aster is beautiful. I might have to add that into the garden for next year.

  4. that aster grew so big for being in a crack of the side walk - isn't it amazing how sometimes if you let the plants go like that what the results will be. When I was digging up the old garden I found several tiger lily bulbs that had grown in between two rocks - the bulb itself was flat as a pancake instead of round and layers of bulbs like the others were

  5. Love the pictures of the quilts for the workshop. So much eye candy!

  6. Garden volunteers are the best (well, most of the time)! Love the progress on this quilt!

  7. Love the plants! Nice quilting too ♥

  8. I bought an aster once but it died early on. Your crack Aster did wonderful. Love your quilt top so far.

  9. I found the aster to be a nice rich purple because ours seem paler here.
    The Bento Box is one of my favourite! I say that a lot don't I? My Tuesday quilters group made me a batik nor for my 60th. There are about 12 of us and we've done for everyone. There's only one left who turns 60 in March. We're working on hers. A Freindship Star.

  10. The bento is looking wonderful. That is such a nice stack of quilts there.

    That aster is doing so well from that crack. Are you getting all of the rains there like they are in Iowa?

  11. Oh my, what stacks of yumminess! Makes me want to touch every one. LOL! But then, that's always my favorite thing about quilts - the touchiness of them. I couldn't have pulled that aster either. If it blooms, I leave it alone!


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