
Monday, July 25, 2016

Pink 16 patch sewn........

I sewed the final seam at almost 10 p.m. last night. Since this one turned out to be 71" x 94" it could be used on a twin bed so the layout doesn't matter very much if part of it is hanging down and not viewed with the rest.  I see one more block I wish I had moved but I'm sure the bed won't care.  As a review, I have a tutorial for the 16 patch which assures all seams going in opposing directions at intersections.  The back of this looks almost as good as the front.

Hopefully the hot steamy weather is gone today although the predicted 89 degrees with lower humidity still sounds hot.  The art quilters are coming and we will be in the basement eating cookies so we won't know what the weather is until mid afternoon.


  1. Beautiful Wanda! And thank you for the tutorial! I'm curious as to which block you would have moved.

  2. Lovely quilt and I, too, am curious. My eyes immediately started looked for that lone block :)

  3. Love this. I have a bit of that wonderful dot fabric that fans out. A 16 patch is so satisfying and this one is great

  4. Very calming quilt. Love your line- the bed won't care. Put the tutorial in Evernote so I can use it when needed. Actually having some thundershower rain now, a miracle!

  5. Another lovely top. Twin size would be perfect for some little girl's bed. We're hoping for moisture this week. We badly need it.

  6. Lovely quilt top finish, Wanda! Looking forward to seeing what you use for a backing....
    Every time I saw these blocks in progress, and now, seeing the finished quilt top, It still reminds me of peonies!
    Stay cool today, and enjoy sewing with your friends, and eating cookies!

  7. Forgot to leave my information on comment just made!
    Sandra B

  8. It sort of reminds me of gingham. It is beautiful.

  9. I wish I was in the basement eating cookies! Stinkin' hot - that what it is! The pink quilt turned out fabulous! The Marcia quilt is coming along wonderfully too!

  10. Such a lovely top! With all the fancy blocks available to piece, there still is quite nothing like the simple 16-patch that is so fetching in its simplicity and regularity. I am always drawn to them. And of course, I too am wondering which of the blocks you wish you had moved!

  11. Very pretty quilt :)))) I made one in pink too - in April ;)))


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