
Friday, July 1, 2016

June recap............

It seemed like a busy month but I only finished two quilt tops and didn't get anything quilted and finished.  The plaid Drundard's Path (cut with acrylic templates and rotary cutter) is 56" x 70".  Most of the plaids are Roberta Horton plaids from the 1990s.

The Keiko Goke Japanese fabric quilt (cut with Strips 'n Curves templates and rotary cutter) is 54" x 72".  I was almost done with the Marcia Derse triangle quilt but I spent time pulling weeds instead of sewing yesterday.

The year is officially half over.  I used 87 yards of fabric in my projects for the first 6 months.  I quilted 11 quilts and finished one table centerpiece and 2 table runners.  I made 15 quilt tops that didn't get quilted yet.  The rest of the tops are in the finished group.  

I have one bonus plant this year, a snapdragon growing in the crack of the driveway.  It gets very little water and is doing just fine.

I have a tomato starting to turn red.  The squirrels have already picked 2 tomatoes and took one bite and left them on the ground.  I have now hung a bunch of small aluminum pans from the rings of the cages.  I hope that keeps them away.
I showed the elephant ear last week and it had one leaf the size of the small leaf on the right.  Now that leaf is the big one.  I have another one in another pot and one leaf is just starting to emerge.


  1. Funny how sunny weather gets in the way of our indoor activities! Much rather have some sun, tho. We have picked a hundred or more cherry tomatoes and the larger ones are still getting large... no color changes yet.... Looking forward to eating them!!!

  2. I like the idea of the aluminum pans - that might be something to think of next year to help keep the deer away - they are gone now that the green beans are finished and the hawk comes and goes and seems to be keeping other things away - she has turned into my watch dog LOL.
    Love the quilts!!

  3. You are impressive in what you get done! I try to maximize my time, but other things barge in. Two days this week, I hosted my grandkids, 6 and 4. Great kids, but they like to keep busy. Dragged out paints, paper, etc and they love it, but it is exhausting. Tried to entice them with sewing on the handcrank and showed them pillowcases I cut out for them, but they just wanted me to make them. I told them when they really want them, we'll sew them! Got to pass sewing down to someone!

  4. Between the quilting AND the gardening you accomplished a lot this month.

    Aluminum pans? That is interesting. I always hang old CDs to keep the birds out.

  5. I have heard that squirrels go after tomatoes looking for moisture. I leave a pan of water out for the critters :) don't know if that helps but they don't bother my garden much. Have been enjoying cherry tomatoes already this year along with onions, lettuce and Swiss Chard. Definitely keeps one busy!

  6. My granddaughter is growing tomatoes in a pot on her front porch and the squirrels are eating them beFore she gets a taste.

  7. Hello Wanda. You are always so busy, busy, busy. Guess that's what keeps you young! I love your plaid Drunkard's Path.

    Happy stitching from Jenny, in New Zealand

  8. Love the quilts. As a beginning, the circles in the blocks amaze me. We have just three tomato plants we put out by the pond...the only area that is safe from the dogs. We used to put out a large garden. Loved the harvest, hated the work. Now we just "steal" from my brother in law's while they are at the lake each weekend. They never miss a thing!! lol.
    Happy 4th.
    xx, Carol

  9. 87 yard is a great number! I only add to my fabric used list when I get a quilt completely done. Right now I am at 32.75 yards, but I have the AC/AC quilt, the Harley quilt, and those 5 or 6 baby quilt tops that are not in that number. I just need to get some quilts done!


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