
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Highs and lows of the day.....

I had little bits of time here and there throughout the day yesterday so I did my mindless triangle pairing and sewing.  

I took my flat tire to the tire store where I bought it and left it for evaluation/repair.  I got a phone call about 2 hours later that there was a gash in the sidewall and it wasn't repairable.  I had pulled onto the shoulder for an ambulance to pass at the beginning of my trip home from shopping and that is likely where it got gashed.  It went flat about 1.5 miles from that spot.  This is a 2 year old Michelin tire with only 9000 miles on it.  I was shocked.....thought it would be a simple repair job.  The guy said he would check with the company and see if he could get any reduction in price of a new tire for me.  I went to lunch with a friend and then had a 2:30 appointment for them to put the new tire on.  Shock #2 - the tire was free....road hazard warranty credit.  I just had to pay for the tire disposal and technician's time on the job.  

That gave me the energy to go out and mow my backyard in 86 degree weather.  The energy was soon gone after 25 minutes of mowing.


  1. That was a good way to use that High... energy from the tire news! Make the most of it! Not a lot of energy here... .still quite hot and muggy out... but that is the price we pay for a bit more temperate winter!!! and well a bit of a loss. But muddling through. Don't you hate it when you organize your stuff right into hiding?

  2. So nice to get the tired for free!! 86 is too hot to use a push mower I think :). I wouldn't be able to do it - you are a stronger woman than I!!

  3. Hooray for the road hazard warranty.

  4. Always so nice when the BIG guy helps our the little guy, as evidenced by the gift of the tire. Yesterday was a but too hot for me to tbe outside. I fertilized all of our plants and then stayed in all day sewing where it was much cooler. I'm looking forward to a bit of a cool down so I can tackle some of the yard work. Enjoy your day.

  5. Very nice surprise. Lots of fortified in tackling the lawn. Good for you.

  6. I guess you felt relieved!!! Luckily I don't have a lawn, more a style cottage garden. Lawn needs too much water and too much care here. And lawn mowing in this heat is also not my piece of cake!

  7. Crazy day! Glad it turned out okay. Watch out for that heat!!!

  8. I get my tires from a shop that for a small fee you get tire rotation, repairs, and hazard protection. I have used it enough that it was worth the up front cost.

  9. Great news about the free tire replacement! It's always worth asking! Regarding lawnmowers, we just bought a new one, self-propelled, and Scott LOVES it. We've never had one before, he said he much less tired than he usually gets after mowing.

  10. Highs and Lows indeed! So glad they looked into the circ's instead of just replacing the tire! And you sure know how to translate that high into productive activity!

  11. Super for you! Glad the tire replacement worked out so well. Now you have all that new rubber! Can't wait to see the triangles.

  12. Don't you love those surprises of grace! They are energizing too -- or at least make us forget some of life's challenges. Thanks for sharing your flat tire experience.

  13. What a gift! So glad that it all worked out for you (except for mowing your lawn in that heat!)

  14. Yeah for the warranty. My brand new car with under 2000 miles got a flat, picked up a nail and it was too close to the wall so I shelled out the bucks for a new one grrrrr

  15. ugh...that happened to me...took a corner a tad tight and grazed a granite curbstone...ruined tire, had to buy 4 your drunkard's path blocks...sooo colorful...thanks for inspiration!


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