
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Cleaning up..........

I was vacuuming and cleaning the clutter in the basement yesterday.  When I came to the rail of the longarm machine, I found the parts of this quilt still waiting for me to sew in the contrasting strips. I got them sewn in and pieced the bottom border which is just laying there on the floor.  I need to cut 2 narrow strips for the top border and then I'll sew them on too.

The Weatherbug app said it was 85 degrees last night at 7 and would feel like 94 with the high humidity.  I didn't think it felt that bad so I mowed the front and side yard.  I didn't do the back because it is shady and the grass grows slower back there.  It is going to be hot for the next 2 days and the grass was getting too long to ignore in the front yard.


  1. It's very hot here in the St. Louis area, the humidity is off the charts and it's like walking into a hot bath each time you go outside. We are drinking Gatorade to help us feel better. The flower garden does love all the rain and heat though and the grass is growing like crazy. The moles came back into our front lawn so we need to find the poisoned worms. I do like your quilt top, it's very colorful.

  2. I need to do some cleaning up too. Stay cool.

  3. I like the contrasting strips in there. Stay cool. It's the humidity that is really bad.

  4. The black strips caught my eye, too. I have triangle strips (from a workshop with Mary Fons, back in October). You've given me an idea . . .
    P.S. On these hot days I am glad my quilting studio is in the basement. Even though we have central a/c, the basement is so much cooler.

  5. The triangle quilt is wonderful eyecandy! My grass has not been cut in two months. It crunches and breaks underfoot. It scratches the grandkids. All 2 miles from Lake Erie.

  6. Upstate NY is also very hot and humid. We hit 95 yesterday. Very hot for this area . Love the triangles. Stay cool.

  7. Love how the triangle quilt is coming along! The colors are amazing!!
    It is steamy hot and humid in Virginia too....looks like we have a few more days to go.... I am ready for autumn to get here!!
    Sandra B

  8. Aha! In this photo, I agree that the black and white strips are wonderful. Horribly hot and humid here, too. Good days to stay indoors and stitch!

  9. Love the B&W strips! Will there be borders on the sides as well? Have you thought about binding yet? Personally, I never think about binding until my quilt comes home from the quilter. I have to see it before I can figure it out. Likewise backing. I make the top and then I start on the back as a separate project. I don't even buy fabric for the back when I shop for the top (on the rare occasions when I actually go shopping for fabric - mostly I get it from my stash). I simply wait until I'm done with the top and then I look for fabric for the back. If I have leftovers from my work on the top, those are incorporated, in a scrappy back, but often I use entirely different and unrelated fabrics for the back.


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