
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Busy day.......

Yesterday morning when I was watering my outside pots I saw this butterfly on the hosta.

It was folding and unfolding its wings and I took about 10 photos to get two that were good.

My zinnias are blooming.  There are 2 kinds planted here but the second group is about 2 weeks behind the first group.  I had Japanese Beetles on them but I went out with a bowl of soapy water and flicked a bunch into their death and none have been back since then.
Next I mowed the lawn and then did laundry.  I ended up the day by baking cookies.  My granddaughter's family is moving back here and there will be a crew of family and friends cleaning the house they just bought yesterday.  This is my contribution for the workers.


  1. Those cookies look great. Maybe you need to open a second blog where you share recipes??? Just something to occupy your idle moments????

  2. That's a really pretty butterfly. The cookies look delicious.

  3. Nice photos of butterfly and garden. I'll bet those cookies won't last long. They look so good.

  4. that will be nice to have your granddaughter back in your area won't it. In one area of the vegetable garden where I didn't have something come up I planted a row of zinnias. They are all up now and beginning to bloom. They look strange now in a straight row all by themselves but when I planted I had other things in the bed. It looks like every single seed sprouted.

  5. I love the selection of cookies, and I'm sure you'll be happy to see your GD settled nearby.
    I wonder how you keep your Hostas from being devoured by slugs? I had a couple but they got eaten down to the stems! Love to hear of you have a secret!

  6. Good morning Wanda....Boy those cookies look tempting...there's nothing like home made cookies from grandma! I'm sure you'll both be very happy to have each other living much closer than before. Bet those cookies will be gone in no time!!! Enjoy the weekend.

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  9. We have butterfly bushes here and have a great deal of activity on them too. None like your beautiful little blue one though. I know your cookies are delicious, I've eaten them and would love one right now.

  10. Hmmmm.....I think I need to come help work. Those cookies look too tempting.

  11. Zinnias are looking good. The drought here is making my zinnias miserable. Because it was such a light winter, the grubs that turn into Japanese beetles did not get killed off in any great numbers. They attack my orange coneflowers, but not the purple ones. Also had terrible red beetles that have tried to destroy my Asiatic lilies. I resorted to bug spray because there are too many lilies and too many beetles to try and get with the soapy water treatment. They also move faster than Japanese ones.

  12. I'll work for cookies! It is so nice everyone is chipping in to help out.

  13. Wanda,
    I've finally gotten to reading all of the blogs I like to follow, and of course, you are in there! Anyway, I love your picture of the butterfly on the Hosta. I did an Elaine Quehl class in March, Hosta Trio. My piece has been sitting waiting for me to get moving on it. Your picture inspired me! I will go through my hubby's photos for a good one to use, and make a dragonfly for my leaves. Thanks! Luann(dot)fischer(at)yahoo(dot)com


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