
Thursday, July 14, 2016

A little more tweaking...........

Something was still bothering me about the colorburst piece so I left it on the wall one more day and yesterday I decided that it needed the blue at the top left edge instead of the red and orange going all the way out to the edge.  I left the pieces I removed so you can see what was changed.
 Here is the whole transformation: top left - the beginning, next row left -first reveal, center - one more row added top and left sides, right - top left edge changed to blue, purple area changed a little, final design.  Now I can sew it.

When that was done I sliced the stratas for 32 more 16 patch blocks.

I needed to clean up the Farm Girl Vintage fabrics so I finished cutting the sunflower blocks and last leaf section.  Now I will put those in a container for the next time my 2 friends come over to sew.

In the back garden my blackberry and lemon lilies are blooming.

These pretties are right outside my bedroom window.  I have to dig out some of these lilies (again) so I can get to my outside spigot hiding back there.


  1. OH MY-- I LOVE, love this piece. I see flowers in a vase. You are amazing! Heading out for my morning walk where I will be seeing your quilt in my mind...

  2. The colors and arrangement are vibrant and full of energy. It is a masterful job. It is hard to do all that arrangement and come up with something so cohesive.

  3. I love the changes you made! The blue really makes the oranges pop since they are opposites on the color wheel.

  4. Yes! Happy stitching on this one - it is so vibrant. Beautiful flowers - we have lots of different greens (hostas, grasses, sweet potato vines, etc.) with a few geraniums for accents. We tried lilies and a few others but they didn't like the clay soil here.

  5. Yes, this one is perfect, just lovely.

  6. The change looks great Wanda. My thought is that you may want to have 3 or 4 of the pale orange reds run to the edge at the top. All of my art teachers have said that art is more interesting when the picture subject expands past two or more of the edges. (I am thinking you should try replacing (from left) squares 6 through 9.
    Just a thought, it looks good as is.

    Your lilies are so pretty.

  7. The color splashes look very similar to the color splashes in your one flower photo. Very nice.

  8. Seeing the change in the colorburst is fascinating. Love it. Being a dog lover I see the face of a dog. HA. How nice to have flowers right outside your window to enjoy.

  9. The warm colors make the shape of Africa, to my eye. Beautiful quilts, beautiful flowers.

  10. Your change made it perfect! Not that I even knew it wasn't before....hah. I love it!

  11. I like the colors, and also see flowers, which are very much like I see when I take off my glasses

  12. You sure know how to make color POP!!
    Loving this piece so much.
    xx, Carol


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