
Sunday, May 29, 2016


Four times yesterday I went to the basement to find some squares for the corners of this block.  I was sidetracked by something else each time and never did bring any upstairs.

I planted my two hanging planters for the backyard.  I did red flowers this year. I'll take a photo after they have grown a little.  I have tiny tomatoes on 2 of my plants.  They like the rain we have been getting as well as the hot sunshine.


  1. Sometimes those days.... are what I call spacers... mentally working on things and they need the space to expand.
    I have some planted baskets and our tomatoes are growing visually!!! Lots of flowers and several tomato sets. Probably the best thing about living a few miles south of Chicagoland!!!

  2. Love all those HSTs. Still need to buy flowers. Yesterday was hot for here, 88., so flower buying ended early. I am sure you have a lot of stuff cranking through your brain that the squares got left out!

  3. Very pretty block and the fabrics are great, I love batiks. Happy Memorial Day.

  4. I get side tracked like that ALL THE TIME!

  5. a friend of mine send me a card that said: "some days are good... others I find the phone in the fridge...

  6. It is still too cold here in the mornings to put my tomatos out. Hopefully next week.


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