
Thursday, May 5, 2016

16 rows...........

I have 16 rows sewn on the colorwash so far.  I can assemble 4 rows and sew them onto the piece in one hour so it is a slow assembly.  I have 6 more rows to sew.

I noticed the first Cranesbill (perennial geranium) was blooming.  The flowers are lavender even though they look white in this photo.  It was quite chilly yesterday but should be warmer today.  I dug out a few more plants that were too close to my front sidewalk.


  1. The wind was horrible here yesterday. I have some iris that need to be thinned out, but they are about ready to bloom so they will have to wait. As you said suppose to be nicer today. Chris

  2. we have been having odd weather for the beginning of May, very chilly nights and then mid 70's days it was very windy yesterday here too.

  3. The sneak peak at the color wash is luscious. My tulips are just passing peak. Have to get some photos on my blog. Who cares how slow it is to assemble when it looks so terrific!

  4. The colorwash is beautiful. It is cool and rainy here again today.

  5. We were cloudy and raining all day yesterday but I got my sunshine in the mail. The Journal Quilts are beautiful. The photos don't do them justice.

  6. We had such nice beautiful temperatures.... and then a cool snap, today we are suppose to head toward the 80's again... and then back down. We have done lots of yard work this spring too. Not so much in the stitching spaces. Need to get back to it!!!
    The quilt is going to be lovely..... nice time filler.

  7. I am so glad I saw your post today. I have one of those perennial geraniums and didn't know what it was called. Now I know! It's been cold here in southern Illinois. Finally going to warm up but then start raining. Oh well, better than a drought!


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