
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Stash play......

All of the art quilters were able to make it here yesterday and we had a lot of fun.  After they left I decided I would sort through my black and white prints and organize them.  The 8' fluorescent bulbs above it started flickering right after I started so I had to quit.  they were fine all day while my company was here.  My fixtures are 11-28 years old down there and the ballasts are dying in some of them.  With the daylight bulbs being $11 each, I hate to just put in new bulbs and have them burn out right away if the ballast is the problem.


  1. What a fun cupboard of fabrics! Hope you show us the "after" picture too.

  2. Love the black and whites! I just bought 4' fixtures that are LED from Home Depot. The light is better, no flicker, less electricity, lower profile, bulbs last forever- just super!! We put them in the laundry room, but I want to put some above the long arm in the basement. Think about a couple of those.

  3. Nice stash of black and white! I thought I had a lot of B&W prints, but you have outdone me! They are always nice to have to add that little bit of fun contrast.

  4. Light is so important - especially with winter coming ... Sorry your fixtures are being tempermental!

  5. I have a ballast dying in my laundry area. I don't look forward to having to repair it.

  6. I replaced a blast on one fixture. It lasted 1 year. Now when they die I am replacing with the new LED tube fixtures. The extre light is wonderful!

  7. I had to laugh....I thought at first that you had posted a black and white photo! I am so accustomed to seeing all those bright fabrics that you use, I wasn't prepared for the black and white fabrics!!
    What a great collection you have!! Love them!!! I have started using B&W a lot, and like them more and more as time goes on....It all started when I made a Halloween quilt a couple of years ago, and used a couple of black and whites...before that I never even looked at B&W, I am drawn to them!!
    Sandra B

  8. That is a nice black and white stash! I need to replace my garage light too. It does a lot of flickering.

  9. I have made two black and white quilts with red accents. My granddaughters wanted them as their high school colors were red and black. They turned out very striking and I now have a ton of these prints. I want to cut some of the scraps up soon.

  10. What an amazing collection of black and whites on those shelves!

  11. I am impressed that one segment of your stash is so varied and plentiful! Hope the light bulb problem can be taken care of. We had the electrician replace ballasts in a row of under cabinet lights in my studio -- what a difference!


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