
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Colorwash tweaked.......

The colorwash on the left is before tweaking and the one on the right after tweaking.  It needed the most help in the turquoise and purple areas but I did move some other pieces too.
I flipped the photo 180 degrees too because I think I like the red at the top.

Helen from Chicago, you are a no reply commenter.  You need to either email me with the link on the right sidebar or with the link in my profile or put your email address in a comment.  I would love to give you details about classes if I knew your email.


  1. I can see the light area is much clearer and lighter. I think that is what is wrong with mine. I will continue tweaking mine and send you another photo. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Yes! you did tweak the area where I had decided it needed it. I may be able to do this myself someday. I just need enough fabrics with color value changes.

  3. Another beauty! I love the glow of this one too.

  4. I like that rotation too. Very nice, Wanda.

  5. You are truly the master of color wash... Linda's comment about sending you a photo of her progress has inspired me. (*._,*) When I hit a wall with mine.

    Oh how we enjoyed Restoration Wild last evening. Their retreat is phenomena! ! ! I love old restored wood and metal. For that team to construct the building and surroundings for them, I can see it was truly a dream come true. Too see Vicki, Kevin, and you made my day also. Such a fun show, Please pass our 'kudos' on to Vicki and Kevin...So glad we recorded it as we will watch again and again.


  6. I like the red at the top, too.

  7. Hi, Wanda, I love your color wash quilt! I really want to try one of these soon. I really enjoyed the show last night. Their property is gorgeous! I'm sure they will enjoy their retreat for years to come. When you appeared onscreen, I said to my husband, "There's Wanda!" He said, "How do you know this lady?" I told him that I don't know you, but I feel like I do. BTW, I live about 60 miles from Lake Toxaway.

  8. Sorry! I didn't use my Google Account to leave my comment!

  9. Obviously so much better after tweaking. Thanks for including "before" picture, that's very instructive. I still think there's some green pieces making an inroad into the light, which in my opinion could benefit from some tweaking. Basically in the center of the quilt, intruding from the right towards the left.


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