
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Lots done.........

I sat in a waiting room for an hour and a half yesterday morning while I had tires rotated and brakes repaired on my van.  I took this project along and finished the hand sewing on the binding.

In the afternoon I worked on the sashing and got this far on the quilt.  The top left and bottom right corners are sewn and one long row that hasn't been attached to the top left corner yet.  There are 2 rows left to do.  Click to enlarge the photo to see the sashing better.  This is my first audition for the border and already I like it and don't know if I should look any farther.  I have enough of it to cut it lengthwise too.  For a comparison of my quilt and the one in the book, go here to see the book. 
Back in June I told you about my trip to my daughter's waterfall property and the taping of the reveal party for a TV show.  Well, it is finally going to be aired on Friday  November 6 on Animal Planet.  The show is called "Restoration Wild".  It will be on 2 times that night, 8:01 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. Central Standard Time and 3 a.m. CST on November 7.  I was at the reveal party so maybe I'll be in it.......we don't know what they included.


  1. Love the sashing with the dash of red at each intersection. You have just the right touch, time and time again. Thanks for adding the inspiration quilt and the Kaffe book reference. I also endorse the floral border--look no further!!!!

  2. First, your quilt has much better color and values than the book one. It pulls me in. Second, the sashing is wonderful- it complements the blocks without drawing attention to itself. Third- the floral border is stunning.
    I wish I had cable so I could watch the show.
    Love the way the colorwash turned out. I enlarged it to help me figure out mine on the wall.

  3. love the quilt and a sitting in a waiting room for 1.5 hours is awhile isn't it - I need to get my tires rotated and the brakes checked to see if they need any work - i always hate the thought of sitting and waiting - maybe next week, too many appointments this week.

  4. I love the floral border, personally, and the quilt. What goes with wild color? More wild color! It is beautiful. And if I can keep it in my head long enough, I will certainly want to watch the show about your daughter's property. I have no clue what's going on about it, I'm afraid, other than there is a waterfall involved. My husband and I had intended to go hiking to find waterfalls when we first talked about moving to Washington because I love them so much. I guess almost all of us are fascinated with them. Anyway, I will certainly be trying to watch and see if I can spot you! I'll have to watch your video again before I do :)

  5. Both quilts are wonderful. I'm not sure we get the Animal Planet station, so I'll have to hunt for it.

  6. I agree with Linda, much prettier than the book. That border gets my vote, too.

  7. I think that border fabric is perfect! I will be marking my calendar for Animal Planet on Nov. 6.

  8. Lovely...both the quilt and the waterfall

  9. Good morning Wanda.....Love the audition border and would not search any further. It's perfect! To be honest, I think you have created a's more vibrant and colorful quilt than the original Kaffee Fassett in the book, but that's just my opinion. Thanks for the head's up on your daughter's Animal Planet program. I've been looking forward to seeing it and will definitely watch. Have a good day.

  10. Love your sashing and border. And, no offense to the quilt in the book, but I like your much better. It is so vibrant!

  11. Your quilt is stunning. The border perfect. What more could one ask, so look no further for borders. The sashing with red cornerstones just fit right in.
    Will be watching Restoration Wild. thanks for sharing the time when it will air.

  12. Once again, I'm amazed at how you put it all together to create such a pleasing design. I thought the blocks were interesting, but I couldn't really see how they'd relate to each other. With your setting, it's great fun to notice all the variations of pattern emphasized by color/value placement.I'm another who prefers your version to the original, and I think your outer border is genius.

  13. That border is perfect! Look no further.

  14. As you know I'm into skinny sashing this week! Yours gives just the right distance between the busy blocks.

  15. I think you have a winner on the border! I wouldn't look any more.....
    Love the narrow sashing strips too!
    Sandra B

  16. The color wash is BEAUTIFUL! A wonderful piece of art.
    Love your border choice for the new quilt top in progress. I LOVE everything about this quilt. Colors, prints, sashing, little red cornerstone squares. Always a pleasure to see you work through our pieces of art.

  17. Love the quilt. I wouldn't look any farther for borders. The one you have works great!

  18. I guess my comments are going to be an echo of the others! Absolutely beautiful!! I live in North Carolina so I am very interested in the program featuring your daughter's property. I made myself a note so I would be sure to see it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your beautiful work. You inspire me everyday when I read your blog post.

  19. Glad you got a binding done. That is redeeming the time for sure! That sashing looks perfect to me and I really like those tiny cornerstones. What a beautiful waterfall. I'll have to try to catch the show.

  20. The quilts are absolutely beautiful (but then, they always are!!). I'm going to have to set the DVR to record the show..sounds fabulous!!

  21. The border fabric is perfect.

  22. Really nice border and sashing. I would never have thought of the sashing but it makes the blocks shine! Color wash is lovely also!

  23. I much prefer your choice in sashing to the pink one used in the book.
    Unfortunately, I can't get Animal Planet, so I won't be able to see the waterfall or you. Hope you and your daughter were pleased with what you saw. It never looks the way you expect it to look when you see yourself or something you know.


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