
Friday, October 9, 2015

All 18 blocks..........

After I finished vacuuming the basement I designed the last 3 blocks.  I carried those 3 along with the one from the day before up to the sewing machine on the main level.


Here they are sewn and ready to join the other 14.

I need to move them over to the other design wall where there is better lighting.  Then I can rearrange them for a better distribution of the colors.  I will also decide at that time whether they all work or if I have to make another one or two.


  1. Lovely!

    My eye tends to seek out the ones with green in them (for what it's worth).


  2. It has been so fun watching this project grow. My collection of Kaffe fabrics is mostly small scraps. A quilt like this would work perfectly with them. Thanks for sharing with us each step of the way.

  3. Love the interplay between the blocks and the way the colors respond to each other. Happy rearranging!

  4. They are all gorgeous. Same block pattern, but every one- oh, so different.

  5. I do like the way you have symmetrical colours, and fabric, superb placing. ( as always). Now I know why I liked the #1 block I did so much better than the scrappy one.

  6. Gorgeous! I found the one you made the other day, to see if you changed the middle square to red or pink, and you did. Love all the blocks!

  7. Wow! These are really beautiful!

  8. These are so beautiful. I love how the colors work together.
    Thank you for sharing!


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