
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Still cleaning......

I mixed two batches of cookie dough and vacuumed the basement yesterday.  Then I started cleaning off tables and I need to work more on that today.  Here are my three colors of Rose of Sharon, photos I took a couple days ago.  Yesterday was hot and steamy and probably would have fogged my camera lens.


  1. love the rose of sharon, I have never given them a try - do you know if you start by seed or is a root better? I should give this one a try if they grow in our area, they look a lot like one I see that grows at the nature trail near the swamp but it is a wild plant here - it might be the same?

  2. Monday is my house cleaning event. My mother used to grow Rose of Sharon plants. They must be pretty hardy plants to thrive in Illinois as well as Central Texas.

  3. Love your Rose of Sharon. I have three but they are not blooming, I don't know why. The bushes look very thick and full but hardly any blooms. One of the bushes is lilac colored, very pretty. We were given two plants from a niece who rescued them from someone else, they were very scraggly but now look gorgeous. But no blooms.

  4. I also have a Rose of Sharon. It's overgrowing its spot along a fence, but hummingbirds love it!

  5. Now, THOSE I have! But I've always heard them called Altheas. I have the lilac colored and the white also

  6. Very pretty blooms!! The humidity is in full bloom also around me. We have been in the upper 90's. Have a good week

  7. I love your Rose of Sharon. My latest "hibiscus" while I still had them were darker pink with red. They have died now, along with most of my other flowers. :(


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