
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

One Block Wonder sewn..............

My two friends came over yesterday and we worked on our OBW quilts.  I decided a photo with the original fabric was best..  The camera is reading the gold as orange and it is lighter than it looks here.  I still have a few vertical seams to press and I will trim off the points on the top and bottom.  I didn't measure it yet but it is somewhere near 40" x 50".  Today I'll get the last 2 seams sewn in the Double 4 Patch and show it tomorrow.


  1. I love your creations! Do you know how much fabric you started with?

  2. Love how you've laid out your blocks. Great project and something I wasn't aware of before. Looks like fun.

  3. That looks amazing! Great blocks and great layout. It must have been fun working alongside other people to work on it too.

  4. I love your one block wonder. The layout really makes it interesting.

  5. Beautiful result! I hope that you enjoyed it enough to try another one.

  6. I was signed up for a OBW class several years ago, but had to cancel at the last minute. I still have my fabric and book....another some day project. Your top is beautiful.

  7. Love how you did this OBW. Mine is ready to sew and I am anxious for it to get done. You did a great job on this.

  8. Hi Wanda, Love your OBW! I think this is the best one I've seen - great fabric choice! And I kind of like the points on the edge, especially on the bottom edge - might look cool on a wall quilt. Lovely!

  9. I really love that!!!!! I used to do lots of stack and whack and really enjoyed them.......I see a one block wonder in my future. I have lots of fabrics that I was going to use for stack and whack that I could use.

  10. I've never made one of these . . . yours is spectacular!

  11. The finished quilt looks astonishingly complex ~ just beautiful! I like Chris's idea of leaving the points at the bottom.

  12. I think these quilts are so interesting as you can play with the blocks and get completely different looks.

  13. That is amazing. It looks incredible.

  14. christijowinter933@yahoo.comJuly 8, 2015 at 10:34 AM

    WOW! I REALLY like this quilt, Wanda, even in its unfinished state!

  15. I love your arrangement. The finished quilt is so much more than the original fabric. Love the diagonal cascade.

  16. It's gorgeous! and so effective that you put the blocks in a diagonal uneven pattern - using 'negative space' - rather than a symmetrical centered one.

  17. I love your OBW but I think this is my all time favorite. What fabric is this? Resembles a Kaffe but not sure if it's an old one. Beautiful!

  18. I just have to lay mine out and finish sewing it up. This will get me going.

  19. I love how these quilts turn out and yours is such a warm colour. I must get on and make one, I see that they take quite a lot of yardage depending on the repeat. I should be interested in knowing what yardage you used for this one.

  20. Beautiful OBW. Interestingly, when you start with flower fabric, the result isn't all that different or surprising than it is when you start with something like a novelty print.

  21. Oh another superb layout! This one makes me want to try one of these. I do agree with one other comment about leaving the top and/or at least the bottom like it is. That adds much interest (as if it needs more!) and is not difficult to bind.

    Great job!

  22. Love your quilt, the cascading effect is sumptuous! Would you mind sharing where you found the instructions for the block or is it your own creation? Many Thanks

  23. Love this One Block Wonder. The fabric you chose was perfect. Looking at your quilt makes me find the pieces of mine and get it finished, too. Thanks for the inspiration.


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