
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!............

I chose the last 5 pairs of fabrics for the Double 4 patch and got them cut and ready to sew the 4 patches.  I was too tired to finish them last night so I'll work on them today.  Yesterday was another beautiful day.  I got my cactus plants all outside finally.  Then I dug up some renegade Asters that wanted to grow right next to my sidewalk.  The problem with them is that they lean over the sidewalk when they get fully grown.  They are going to a new home today.
I wasn't quite at the right angle to snap this photo of a butterfly (upside down) getting some nectar from a Milkweed bloom.  


  1. And a happy 4th of July to you also.

  2. Happy 4th to you! I heard that Monarchs are endangered because the trees they nest on in Mexico are all being cut down. Hope it is not true, they are so beautiful.

  3. I love the milkweed bloom I grew up with them in Wisconsin and see them when we travel north but they are not in the south.

  4. I plan to get some sewing done before heading out to our local parade, and then to a BBQ at our foster daughter's fiance's parents' house. Nick (the fiance) has a 4th of July bday, so I decorated some cookies a la Captain America. Have a great 4th Wanda!

  5. Happy 4th to you Wanda! Loving all of the work you have done lately, especially the color wash play by play photos. Hope you are doing well!

  6. The Monarchs are definitely endangered, but it may be just as much, if not, more because the milkweed on which they rely in their time in our country has been over killed by the rampant use of pesticides like Round-Up to kill weeds. In my little community, lots of people who care about the environment are actively planting milkweeds and promoting Monarch way-stations, but unless many others do the same throughout the Monarchs' habitat, it may have a hard time making it. Caveat: I'm just conveying what I've gathered from posts, mostly on FB by friends who're very much involved in this effort, I haven't researched it myself.

  7. Oh, Wanda, you did make me laugh - renegade asters indeed!

  8. Growing up on a farm, my dad considered the milkweed a weed and of course, we had to pull them up. The milkweed here being killed off by pesticides and the pesticides themselves probably are both contributing factors in the monarchs near extinction, but the poverty which is causing the people to chop down the trees in Mexico where the Monarch nest so they can farm more land is a major problem for them (I know, run on sentence). I do hope they can save them. I saw only one butterfly so far this year which might have been a Monarch, but I couldn't tell for sure as I was too far away. It may have been the other one that resembles the Monarch quite a bit.


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