
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Finished just before midnight........

It was so late when I finished the binding and I tried to get a good photo but it isn't the best.  I'll try again today because I need to do my June recap too.

 I used 2 different batiks on the back and made a cutting error so I had to add a strip crosswise too.

The little bunny was back yesterday sitting on one of the large rocks and eating weeds.


  1. That curvy stripe really sparkles. I'm glad you changed the border fabric.

  2. a manly looking quilt for your collection!

  3. The quilt turned out lovely. Sometimes cutting errors lead to interesting results. There were two bunnies running around the parking lot at work this morning. They are so fun to watch.

  4. Congrats on one more June finish. Happy July!

  5. Beautiful quilt Wanda. I really like the way you put the fabric that resembles a leaf in the quilt, it just makes it come alive. The fabrics are perfect, love to see this one in person. Yesterday we were sitting in our living room and the dogs were sound asleep. A little ground hog came up onto our deck and looked at us, walking all around. Because of the flooding, the animals and birds are upset. The ground hog came up later and our oldest dog woke up and stared at the ground hog, who then put its paws on the window and went nose to nose with our dog. I would love to feed it but won't.

  6. That's a great finish. The little bunny looks quite at home there.

  7. Congrats on getting that binding finished in June. That was a lot of handwork for one day.

  8. Nice work, Wanda. I love the soft colors in this one too. A change from the normal but still vibrant and appealing.

  9. So you made your deadline - good for you, the quilt has such warm Autumn colours, lovely.

  10. Ha, ha! I love that you stay up all night to make the deadline even only you would know if it was actually finished on the morning of July 1st! That's what I call honesty!
    We have so many bunnies here on our farm, in all different sizes. I always wonder how there can be so many, as there as also plenty of coyotes nearby. I don't see the latter very often, but hear them yapping and howling at night. Because I have dogs, however, I only see bunnies running out of my yard, very fast! And the dogs barking with great frustration. The bunnies are always faster than the dogs. Which actually surprise me, because the bunnies often seem to be very stupid in the way they run. Often when I'm driving down the 1/2 mile lane to my house, a bunny will jump out, from his hiding place at the edge of the lane, right in front of me - instead of running into the field, he runs into the lane! And the bunnies often run the dogs around the yard for quite a while before finally escaping out under the fence to the field where they're safe - from the dogs, at least.

  11. I like to make a cross on the back of my quilts when I do have to piece them. I don't know why, it just seems more interesting to me than some of the hodgepog pieced backs I've seen. Or, at least some kind of very simple design. You'll have to show your backing on this sometime.

  12. And, yes, I agree, that leaf fabric is wonderful in this.


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