
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I'll finish this one today.............

I did it!  I loaded another quilt and quilted it yesterday.  I thought I was going to use the same color thread as the last quilt but in the end I decided it was a little too dark so I changed it.  I made this top in 2011.  If you go here and click on the last photo you can see what the whole Trip Around the World center looks like.
I got the binding sewn on and started the hand sewing, about 1/2 of one long side done.

I forgot how tiny the goldfinches are.  They like the Sneezeweed flowers.  Later the female was here too but they both flew away before I could snap another photo.

This little baby bunny has been in my back garden almost every day.  There is a lot of clover in the grass for it to eat.

Raindrops on the Hosta.  I have this Hosta in a pot on my front porch.


  1. I love your TAW quilts. congrats on a big month of finishes.

  2. I had a finch yesterday.... I forgot how neon yellow they are!!! Also had the brightest red cardinal too. My lawn is nearly all clover... but some must be sweeter than others as the rabbits seem to move about... Of course with the dogs they don't stay long!!!! Also one squirrel, a really dark grey one... comes by every few days. Still nothing on the sewing front! But you are making up for it.

  3. Beautiful raindrops photo! You are so good at catching bird photos before they fly away ... We had a pair of bluebirds yesterday.

  4. You are really sticking with your determination to finish projects. That's a lot of quilting in the last few days.

  5. Again great color choice....
    Love your work.

  6. how nice to get another quilt on your frame and it is a big one too - you have been very busy. Love seeing all the plants

  7. I had not seen this particular TAW and it's beautiful. Love that border print. When I went outside today, a huge BlueJay flew up into a tree nearby. The birds are all nervous here, flying and chirping constantly because of the flooding, I think their homes are gone. I really like your picture of the Hosta, good camera skills.

  8. I love goldfinches. We don't see them anymore since we took the feeders away. We also don't see starlings and mice anymore either!

  9. Yeah...a great finish! It looks like that is a very happy bunny there.

  10. Lovely hosta leaves, I have seen photographed, printed, and then embellished with free motion threads.

  11. Good for you Wanda - 18 it is!

  12. You inspired me to put a quilt on the longarm that is only partially finished. I started it a couple of years ago, but it is bigger than lap size and it was hard to push through the machine. So, I pinned it on and wound bobbins. Love the goldfinches. My coneflowers are blooming and the goldfinches will come when they are done.

  13. Oh, goodie! It just makes you feel good to have a finish, doesn't it. I'm working in that direction myself, but not there yet.
    I am always so interested to see the flowers you grow that I've never seen. Your photos are really good!

  14. Another nice finish. Really like the border on this one!! Congrats on keeping up on your goal to get quilts finished.


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