
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Time to sew and design.............

It was too wet to mow the grass because of rain in the morning yesterday so I had the whole day to work on my projects.  This photo is 32 double 4 patch blocks, 4 each of 8 fabric combinations.
I continued on the batik rectangle colorwash.  I got this far by noon yesterday.

I had two afternoon sessions on it.  This was the first one.

I got this far by early evening.


  1. Your progress makes me jealous. No sewing time here. Chris

  2. I'm really liking your colour wash with the rectangles Wanda. I'd been toying with making a table runner of batiks with strips rather than squares and seeing your work is just re-enforcing the idea. Lovely.

  3. You got a lot done and it's so beautiful!

  4. I love the colorwash progression. I always enjoy seeing how you work it out.

  5. Your colorwash is beautiful using those fabrics. I'm glad you finally had a play day.

  6. My breath caught when I saw that first picture, it is going to be another Wandalicious quilt.

  7. This latest piece is mouth-watering! Conjures up high summer days.

  8. I love photos such as these that show your progress. They are very interesting and helpful!

  9. I love the color wash! I'm not sure I've ever really seen - or at least not paid attention to - a color wash made exclusively with batiks, as opposed to prints. I have to say this appeals to me in a whole different way. I'm so excited to see how it turns out.
    With regard to the double 4-patches, I may be a little dense, but do you have two layers of blocks in the picture, so we actually see only half of the blocks? I hope so, because all I count is 16 blocks, and you say there are 32!


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