
Friday, June 19, 2015


I just had to go down to the basement and work on this piece first thing yesterday morning.

After a few hours I had it all filled in and it was ready for tweaking.  I'm not happy with the dark streak through the yellows or the line of the olive greens on the left.

After many trips to the basement and cutting some new yellow pieces I have the center pretty good.  I moved a few pieces in the olive greens but it still needs a little work.  It will take at least one more day of tweaking.

Here are my tomato plants after 3 weeks in the ground.  There are lots of blossoms on them now.

The bell flowers are plentiful again this year.  They have planted themselves everywhere.  More pollen for the bees to spread around.This group is in the back garden near the peonies. 

These are along the edge of my driveway.



  1. It's a beauty! I think I see a sunrise in this one and a hot day to follow. you smoothed out the two spots I saw and it looks wonderful.
    My tomato plants are just sitting there with little growth....bad location I guess for me.

  2. your keen eye amazes me. The yellow didn't bother me but once I saw it fixed I realized how much better it is.

  3. The quilt is looking wonderful! Do you sucker your tomato plants? Suckering is removing the additional branching of the stems that comes between the main stem and the branches. That is at least what the Italians in this area call it. I was told removing those helps the focus the energy of the plant into making tomatoes instead of more leaves.

  4. Good morning Wanda...Your tomatoes are looking so healthy and it won't be long before you'll be enjoying your own home grown tomatoes, and there's nothing better. I love picking a few of the cherry tomatoes and having a snack. They're just bursting with flavor and I love sharing them with neighbors. The larger ones are great with some salt and pepper, fresh basil, fresh mozzarella and a drizzle of good olive oil, but it will be awhile before that's possible. I love seeing all the different varieties of perennials in your garden, as they begin to bloom. Looks like we're going to have a beautiful day today, so Stan and I will work in the yard, till I've had enough and then come in, have lunch and go downstairs to do some work on the Christmas and Birthday gifts for this year. Enjoy the day.

  5. Your quilt is looking GORGEOUS! Can't wait to see it all finished.

  6. The tweaking makes it flow so much nicer.

  7. Going to be a beautiful quilt, I really like this.

  8. Your color wash quilt Looks fabulous...will there be any floral pieces pieced on it after its quilted? I'm interested in your next steps and process...
    My tomatoes here in California need lots of water and since we are in a drought situation my plants have suffered. I did get a few Early Girls which I ate on my salad...nothing tastes better than your own garden tomatoes.. Enjoy your harvest!

  9. Forgot to do you choose a backing? It's always hard for me...

  10. Fabulous colour-wash; they always amaze me.

  11. I have enjoyed watching you colour wash quilt emerge. Thank you for sharing the process and fantastic result.,

  12. Truly enjoy your pictures of your yard. Living here in SC to torture for the flowers and veggie plants right now. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I love watching you arrange one of these - you really are amazing at it! And I love that you show picture after picture of the changes.

  14. Awe, it looks wonderful to me just as it is. Beautiful.


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