
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Made by a friend...........

My 2 friends came over yesterday and Sarah gave us tips on the One Block Wonder quilt.  She got us started and then put her blocks up on the design wall.

This is the fabric she started with.  It is amazing how much it changes when cut into identical equilateral triangles and then sewn into blocks.

Here is a close up of a few blocks.

This is my fabric and the blocks made from one 4.5" strip (6 layers).

Here are more ready to sew and more cut triangles.  We are getting together in 2 weeks to play with layouts so I won't be showing this again until then.

I'm still working on the double 4 patch too.  Variety is the spice of life.

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  1. Wow....your friend's one block is beautiful. And I love the fabric you are working with.

  2. Oh fun! I can hardly wait to see what yours looks like when put together.

  3. A 'OBW' is on my someday list.... of course sewing again is on my someday list too. Actually might quilt machine quilt later on today... Your fabric choice is great!

  4. Very fun process photos of the OBW. What size triangle did you cut and how did you decide on that? Look forward to seeing this again in a few weeks.

  5. I made one over a year ago and it just needs to be quilted. I can't think of a quilting pattern that will look good with a OBW, so it is languishing in my closet.
    Love the examples you showed!

  6. I made one over a year ago and it just needs to be quilted. I can't think of a quilting pattern that will look good with a OBW, so it is languishing in my closet.
    Love the examples you showed!

  7. Warning! OBW can be habit forming! Oh, wait, you already know about habit-forming!

  8. Yes we all need to change it up a bit! Your friend's quilt is fabulous! That was some crazy Halloween fabric she used! It is amazing the different blocks you are getting from the fabric you chose. I have never gotten around to making one of these, but I have checked the books out of the library to see how it was done. Maybe someday!

  9. Wow, your friend's quilt is fantastic! And I'm looking forward to watching your progress. I'm sure it will be equally great.

  10. my one block wonder is in a box, all ready to hit a design wall and final stitching. Love your colors.

  11. I think I would almost get dizzy working with a quilt like that - so very neat though. Glad all the bad storms missed you!

  12. Looking forward to seeing your final creation.

  13. These are so much fun to see how the fabric turns into the overall design. Make you look at fabric prints in a new light. Lovely.

  14. Wow....that OBW quilt is amazing from that busy fabric. It looks so different. I can't wait to see yours.

  15. I have moved my One Block Wonder blocks around on the design wall for over two weeks. It is the hardest quilt I have ever set up. I think I have it right now. Looking forward to seeing how yours comes out.

  16. i love it too. Another one for the to-do list.

  17. I've seen a few quilts made this way recently on some blogs. I love how you've made those blocks look more interesting than the original fabric. I shall be keeping my eye on how you progress with this one :)

  18. oh, my gosh, they are wonderful! Can't wait to see the next installment. I love working on different projects at the same time, keeps me interested and energetic about them.

  19. Have you ever visited His OBW quilts are stunning.

  20. I have lots of friends who've made OBW quilts and they're really amazing pieces of art. The transformation of the fabric is so much fun. My friends usually put a piece of the original fabric on the back of the quilt, but since it's generally a wall hanging, I've always thought that wasn't sufficient, and that if I were to do one, I'd want to somehow incorporate the uncut fabric into the top somehow - maybe even as a border.
    What are your thoughts?
    So far, though, I have been reluctant to even try - fear of not being sufficiently accurate, I think, and of all those bias edges? But I'm definitely not foreclosing the possibility!

  21. Love your quilt. I am starting to make one but my blocks are not interesting. Can I mix the cutout triangles with different batches?
    Thank you for your help.



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