
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

It's sewn...............

More storms and tornado warnings a couple miles south last night so I had the machine unplugged again for awhile.  8/10 of an inch of rain and lots of wind.

I finished sewing this together by 11p.m. and then pressed it and did a row of stay-stitching around the edge.

When it is sewn together I can really tell if it is successful.  When it is just pieces on the design wall I have my doubts.  I'll call this one a success!  It is 44" x 64".  I will be posting a couple collages of the progress as I worked on this one. 


  1. I agree a success is right. Really looks great. The mall that is about 5 miles from us was hit with straight line winds and roof collapsed. We could hear the wind above us. 2.1 inches of rain in less than 60 minutes. Glad you didn't get any damage. Chris

  2. Our thunderstorms rolled in about 3 am and a bit now at 6. The quilt reminds me of a summer garden with all its rich and sun dappled flowers.

  3. Yep success!!! I've read that those south of you had a real bumpy ride last night.

  4. Very nice to have it all sewn. I am sure you are happy with the outcome. It is lovely.

  5. it looks a success to me - gorgeous colors, I was keeping track of the storms yesterday as they were heading to my daughter's area in WI, she said the worst missed them but sent a photo of a tree down across the street from them, the worst they had was the portable basketball hoop tipped over and a leaning tree (small) leaned some more

  6. A success indeed - love the colours!

  7. Beautiful! Definitely a success.

  8. This is awesome. You should be proud of yourself for such an accomplishment.

  9. It is definitely a success....just beautiful.

  10. I agree! We had storms Saturday evening and lost power for a few hours. Chris loved watching the storm and I had an audio book so we "survived"!

  11. It certainly is a success! Looking wonderful!

  12. I agree with everyone else, it's a success !!!

  13. Beautiful! I've always loved color wash quilts and this one makes me want to take on the challenge myself!

  14. It's awesome. I've enjoyed watching this one come together. Thank you for sharing the process in words and pictures.

  15. I! MUST! LEARN! HOW! TO! DO! THIS! LOL Truly and remarkably successful Wanda!

  16. Loved going back and seeing how this came together....a total success that is for sure. You are the best at color washes no doubt about it.

  17. Another masterpiece! This is gorgeous! And no worries that I am no-reply. :)

  18. Wanda, have you ever made one with a dark center, that gets lighter toward the outer edges? Just wondering. Love your blog!

  19. Very definitely a success! Now if you would just send some of your rain to California...

  20. I agree with Kevin:I must learn how to do this! LOL!! Thank you for sharing the process. It's brilliant!!!

  21. Wanda, I ran the idea we discussed past a couple people from church. Both preferred this piece over the cobblestone cross and liked the color wash "as is."


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