
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Vertical seams sewn...........

I added the two missing triangle units from the last time I showed this and then sewed the first 4 columns together with vertical seams.  I was so into my cleaning and putting away things yesterday that I didn't get to the basement until 9 p.m. to work on this.  There are over 20 people coming to the bridal shower on Sunday so lots of things needed to be removed from the living/dining room.  

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  1. wow! the fabrics in this triangle quilt are scrumptious! and yay! I'm your first commenter of the day!

  2. Great quilt - if I sew after 9 - whew lots of mistakes.

  3. I love the richness of the reds in this. Typically when *I* mix red and green it looks too "Christmassy" for my taste. But this blend doesn't have that effect at all.

  4. Wanda, it is looking GREAT! Can't wait to see what is next!

  5. Those fabrics are so gorgeous in this. I just love the way that the hsts make it blend so well.

  6. Dear, dear Wanda, eternal soldier in the war against No Reply comments!

    Maybe you should do a "No Reply" quilt? :)

  7. Good Luck on the Bridal shower prep. You seem to be doing it logically!! Glad you were able to get downstairs and sew for a little while. I cleaned my sewing room out ( so many trips to the living room) and just have furniture in there now. I am arranging it for the last time!! No pressure. Half of it is not going back in!! Happy Wednesday.

  8. Enjoy your company. Love this quilt and the way the fabric and colors blend and mingle together.

  9. Very colouful! It's looking quite huge? I'm enjoying following your progress with this!


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