
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Almost done............

I worked on cleaning the living room most of the day yesterday.  Moving 30 cactus plants took some time. I also boxed some quilts I sold from my blogshop and got them mailed.  I never made it down to the basement yesterday to cut any triangles.  Last night I did 3 more rows of quilting on this quilt and have just 2 more rows to go and it will be done.  I should be able to finish the living/dining room cleaning today.


  1. Good morning Wanda, aka, the human dynamo! The weather here in Florida, has been rainy and very humid, but we did manage to attend a large Flea Market that is scheduled only on Mondays. Never could figure why, but people flock to it like bears to a honeypot. We try to attend whenever we are down here and usually find some good bargains. Today we plan on going to one of the pools in the resort, since the sun is supposed to make an appearance. Enjoy the day.

  2. Congratulations on your sales!

  3. that is nice that you sold some of quilts/tops - I did take a look the other day. you will be having a time getting ready for the wedding shower that you are putting on - have you mentioned who is getting married?

  4. You got more accomplished in quilting than I did. Yesterday was largely non-productive for me.

  5. Do you move the cacti outside for the summer?

  6. Love that red print on the back of this quilt!

  7. Wanda,
    Would you mind sharing what size the squares are in your triangle quilt? I'm guessing 8" or so but love the dimensions you are is amazing and inspiring! Can't believe how much you get accomplished!

  8. Wanda,
    Would you mind sharing what size the squares are on your triangle quilt. I'm guess maybe 9 or 10"? Love this quilt so much! Thanks!

  9. What a beautiful quilt! 30 Cactus plants! holy mollie that's a lot of plants all in one room! Love them when they start blooming though!


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