
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Winter wonderland............

We got 3" of snow and the temperature struggled to reach 30 degrees so church sewing circle was cancelled.  We didn't have any deadline projects so it didn't make sense to go out in this.

That gave me a chance to work on the snowball quilt.  I got the borders around the center square and sewed the side sections on it and then the top 3 row section.  I put it back up on the wall and looked at it and decided I didn't like the bottom strip on the center square and started looking for replacements.  That took a couple hours to come up with the one I finally used.  I unpicked the one I didn't like, sewed in the new one and then sewed on the bottom 5 row section.  I ordered 2 yards of the border fabric so I can't do any more until that comes.


  1. I love the window effect you achieved with that innerborder.

  2. It´s lovely! I like this fruitbasket. We don´t have no snow here in Helsinki! Waiting for spring.

  3. Love the window effect. Bright, sunny and hot in Texas - we may just skip spring and go right into summer!

  4. Wanda, this new quilt it going to be right up there with my list of favorite quilts you have created and the depth perception in the center focal point is amazing. I have shoulder therapy today and will be so happy when this problem is rectified. Have a good day.

  5. Beautiful, Wanda. Your time in finding the exact right fabric for the frame was worth it - that frame is a thing of beauty! What a great way to spend a snowy day!

  6. I didn't understand what was going on with the frame thing - now I see it finished, the effect is amazing - WOW is what comes to mind :)

  7. So, when the weather gives you snow- work on a snowball quilt?

  8. I, too, think it's one of my favorites of yours. Will be anxious to see it with the border.

  9. The frame around the centre piece is fabulous! As is the whole overall look.
    Winter doesn't seem to have got the message that it's spring.

  10. The frame effect is excellent! Are you sick of snow yet? We still don't have Spring warm weather yet but at least we don't have snow. The cool weather is making raking gravel a little more tolerable.

  11. I LOVE it. Those borders prints around the center design are perfect!

  12. Very striking window you have. Always amazes me what you do with fabric.

  13. Wow window and wow quilt! It should hang in a place of honor.

  14. So sorry about the snow and cold. It's supposed to be spring. Didn't your weather get the memo?

  15. You have been busy while I have been away! I really like the gold inner border!

  16. The three dimensional border around the center piece is fabulous. This will be a stunning quilt!

  17. I just can't believe how gorgeous this is! It looks like a tile mosaic and has that 3 D pop! Hard to believe it started with just pieces of fabric and is now overwhelming!

  18. Oh, no! I had hoped you were into Spring. I'm sorry, but glad you made good use of your house time. It is looking better every time I see this piece. I just love it!


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