
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Last 4 blocks.............

I cut and sewed the last 4 blocks for the Hunter Star quilt.  Tomorrow I will play with the arrangement of these with the other 20 blocks so I can sew the top together.

Today is a play day with my 2 friends.  One of them is going to teach me something new.  There are some patterns I have had no interest in and now I want to learn this one.  Stay tuned.....


  1. Just gorgeous blocks! How could anyone teach you something new? Can't wait to see all those blocks together!

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing the Hunter Star quilt come together. You are teasing us today!

  3. The Hunter Star blocks look great. I am waiting to see the entire top!

  4. Good morning Wanda....I can't believe someone else is teaching you something new! As far as I'm concerned, I thought you knew everything there is to know about quilting, and I'm not being sarcastic here. I mean it sincerely. I will be anxious to see what you've learned. Enjoy your friends, and have a good day. So gloomy out there, and a good day to be inside with friends, doing what you love to do!

  5. love the blocks and the colors you have chosen to work these

  6. Beautiful blocks Wanda, I see some Island Batik fabric in one of them! Can't wait to see what new thing you learn!

  7. wonderful hunter star blocks. You must be anxious to put them together. Keep posting pictures of your progress.

  8. Aww....back to my favorite blocks!!! Love the newest ones.

  9. Those are so pretty. I started an African asymmetrical Hunter's Star in a Jan Krentz class and can't wait to get back to it-have never made one before and like the pattern a lot.

  10. Looking forward to what you learn. I always enjoy your posts.

  11. Learning something new - how fun is that! Can't wait to hear all about it. The Hunter Star quilt is going to be a knockout!

  12. I can't wait to see the blocks as you play with placement.

  13. I can't wait to see what the new 'interesting' pattern is... and what you plan to do with it.


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