
Monday, March 30, 2015

I thought it was the final layout.......

I moved blocks for over a half hour and thought I was done.  Now after seeing it on the computer monitor I may have to move a few blocks.

These are the blocks that I pulled out.  I found one more on the table so there were 5 instead of 4.

I am a math person, love math, but blocks on the diagonal take a lot of figuring so I am using this aid from C&T Publishing.

This will give me the size of the finished quilt with and without sashing.

This is where I usually get lost, the diagonal width of the sashing strips.

The setting triangles are always tricky but this guide gives me the cutting size.  Since I like them a little over-sized I might round up to the next even inch.

Occasionally a publication will have some errors, usually caught by readers who then alert the publishing company.  If you go here and go to the bottom of the page under support you will find Errata & Updates.  There was a PDF file you could download for this book and print out a new page to paste over the original page.


  1. It was so much better when published information was correct at the time of publication.... Makes me wonder how they did it!! I love the blocks... have fun... filling in the blanks!

  2. I did not know about this book. And I am not a math person. I will have to check it out. Thanks,

  3. I wish I had read this a day earlier :) I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday and saw that one but ended up not buying it. Now I think I should pick it up. Definitely in the future :) I'm looking forward to perusing the ones I bought. I would share the titles but it's late and I don't want to wake my husband. Well, happy quilting!

  4. Thanks for the tip about this book. Math is hard work for me.

  5. that is nice that they are giving updates for corrections. I once notified an author (nicely) that a pattern in her book had errors and never heard anything back I wonder if it was ever fixed I never saw any updates anywhere on this pattern.

  6. Those blocks are so pretty. I can see where that book would come in as a handy tool in quilting.

  7. I loved the bit about finding an extra block on the table.
    Off to buy the book--I also like math but diagonal sets are always an issue.

  8. I'm not kidding, Wanda. how do you do it? you're so decisive! while I'm spending days figuring out what borders to use, you've already finished a couple new quilt tops.

  9. Love those stars ! They really look great on a diagonal. . . I'm glad you are designing them on the angle.

    I am not a math person...simple math I can handle and can handle a tape measure without a problem... BUT that is it ! ! ! This book you featured today looks like a great book to check out.


  10. Wanda, Why nor unstitch the center seam of the five blocks you have left and use them as your setting triangles.......
    Cari Jimison
    Yuba City, cA

  11. Nice stars! I bought EQ7 software, mainly use it for the same thing you use your book for... figuring out what size things will be and what it looks like with different widths of borders and sashings, etc. Mind you, a person could play all day on it and never actually make the quilt!

  12. Beautiful stars Wanda! Thanks for the tip about this book. I have a different edition but found the error in mine and corrected it in red pen! That might save me a headache some day as I do use this book.

  13. I also used to move my blocks around endlessly, and if I were at a retreat, I'd ask the opinion of others, who'd then proceed to move them around endlessly as well. It really can go on forever.
    So, a couple of years ago, after spending time with Gwen Marston, I decided to stop the madness. Now I lay them out, and in the process, I try not to put similar blocks right next to each other. Then I step back and look at it, and if there's something which is abviously wrong or out of balance, I try to fix it, but I don't spend a lot of time, and I don't let others get into being very nit picky about my block placements. If they have a suggestion, I'm glad to listen, but I'd rather just leave them more or less where they happened to "fall," than spend a lot of time moving them around. Just a choice I've made for myself, and so far I've been perfectly happy with the way the quilts have turned out.


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