
Friday, March 13, 2015

Auditioning corners...........

I started cutting triangles to audition for the snowball corners and then decided to check back to my 3 favorites in his books.  Click on the photo to enlarge and see the corner fabrics he used.
There are 5 different triangles on the dark version and 2 different ones on the light version.  The green was one that Kaffe used.  I tried the brown with white dots and flowers of the same print.  I wanted to try some lighter values but I know now I will try a few more tomorrow.  I think I will also mix the dark and light octagons together in one group and see if I like it.


  1. How pretty! I've always liked the snowball. It reall lets the the fabric shine doesn't it? I'm planning a Halloween one in the fall.

  2. All are very nice but i like the light colour version most.

  3. How do you sew these together? Y-seams seem to be involved.

  4. I like the black and white with the darker hexagons and the green dot with the lighter ones. It will be interesting to see what the dark and light hexagons look like together!

  5. I like the greenish dot one for both. so if they are mixed, it would be my choice. Love seeing how you work thru the selection process. This is going to be eye catching which ever way you go!

  6. Good morning Wanda, They are going to be beautiful, no matter what you decide, but I favor the black and white with little floral the best on the dark one. It just seems to make it all pop. How about our weather?
    I'm almost tempted to put my hibiscus out during the day, but not sure I will. Any thoughts?

  7. You have some beautiful options here.

  8. You've got me itching to pull my hexagons out and go! LOVE that green with the seems to recede while the snowballs come forward. The darker with the deep hexies is nice as well. I love the border print Kaffe used in the green quilt...wonder if I have that one? It'll require serious stash digging to find out. :)

  9. I like his version in the top left book, using the green - it seems to make the pieces blend in together like a garden, but may be very different when viewed full size. I also like the green version you have chosen for your auditions. But you always know which is the right one in the end for you :)

  10. I like the fabrics you have chosen for both sets of snowballs.

  11. Always fun to check in and watch you work. The octagon piece's are so full of your glorious fabrics. Anxious to see what you will select for the triangles.


  12. Choices, choices. They all look great! Whatever you choose will be wonderful!

  13. I love both colour ways of Guinea Flower that you have auditioned here - but I am extremely biased as it a huge favourite!!

  14. As always you inspire me! I've been hoarding some Kaffe fabrics and adding to them for a while now. Still percolating on mine, but I do so love to see what you are doing. Those fabrics make me smile!

  15. You do such wonderful things. Just a thought - what about something that reads a little more solid for the corners?


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