
Monday, February 2, 2015

January recap.....and snow....

January was a good month.  My original goal was 12 finishes because I had 52 quilt tops on January 1 and that would get me down to 40 tops.  I'm happy with the 10 that I did though.  I purposely chose a lot of the smaller pieces to finish.  The colorwashes are 19" - 28".  The largest 2 quilts are in the 62" x 76" range, and one 50" x 70".  Two others were baby quilt size and one large wallhanging.

In February I want to have at least 4 finishes and I know I will make close to 4 new tops.  I will hopefully finish the Hunter Star top and at least 2 TAW tops.

We got 14" of snow from 9 p.m. Sat. night until 9 p.m. last night. It continued to snow after 9 and the wind was blowing and drifting the snow.  This photo was taken through my kitchen window.  These branches are usually up even with the gutters on my house.  The wet heavy snow piled up on everything and branches were bent to the max.
This is the forsythia bush by my other kitchen window.  If you look closely you will see little birds taking refuge in the branches.  I'm glad I filled the bird feeders Saturday afternoon.

I shoveled the sidewalk and porch 3 times and got to try out my Yaktrax.  Hopefully I'll never slip and fall again.


  1. Nice list of finishes and plans for Feb!... Stay careful... outside. We didn't get any of the weather... this time. Much better than last year, but we have had some cold temps.... Mild today tho!!!

  2. Nice job for January. They are all beautiful as always.

    On the news they said my area received 15+ inches of snow. I lost power at 10AM and didn't go back on until 2PM. I was just about to leave when thankfully it went on. I was running out of oxygen so was packing up to go when it finally came back on. I did get an embroidery pattern traced to make a new pillow. Gonna be a cold day today, stay warm.

  3. Wonderful finishes. I think you were quite successful this month. Let us know how your new traction works....stay safe. That's a huge bunch of snow!!

  4. I hope the yaktrax works for you it does for me. I am sorry you need to do the shoveling yourself though it is exercise in just take it easy! So many pretty quilts they all look so good the snow is so pretty but I no most would rather just have a little bit if they are going to get it.

  5. It is not nearly so cold here but the wind is howling and after a night of rain, it looks like we will be getting more.

    Congrats on the finishes.

  6. Congratulations on 10 finishes! That is super! This is from someone who has many tops hanging in the closet. Careful in the snow and cold. We are still getting it now and my husband is out snowblowing at the moment. Good day to sew.

  7. I've been looking forward to your January recap and it is wonderful! That's an awful lot of snow outside your window.

  8. Your YakTrax are looking good! I posted today how I lost mine and had to go hunt for them. Deep crispy snow made mine pop off even though they wrap well around my boots. Congrats on all those finishes!

  9. Wanda, these are a great invention, and are also sold down here in NZ, wonderful finishes. Hope you keep warm, guess the shovelling was warming enough.

  10. impressive finishes! and I love the birds taking shelter in your branches! Keep warm!

  11. I love to see your end of month finishes. Always a treat. January's were awesome! Each one a wonderful piece of art. Thank you for sharing.
    We got rain last night. Were expecting ice.
    I hope the snow work for you. Stay warm, dear.

  12. I shoveled three times yesterday, and once this morning! 20+ inches in the city, probably lake effect. Isn't it beautiful though, today?

    Great finishes! Stay warm!

  13. So good to see your collection of finishes for January, they look beautiful altogether - must have a look at Picasa for producing a collection when I have a few finishes.

  14. Beautiful, beautiful quilts. You got an amazing amount done. Your snow looks beautiful to me, too, but I'm glad I don't live in an area with that much. We need snow robots just like Rumba vacuum cleaners to help you guys out! Stay warm and safe!

  15. TEN Spectacular January finishes ! You can be proud of each one of them.

    OMG ! ! ! that is too much snow for me. Must say it is beautiful and I love the photo of the little birds all snuggled in amongst the snowy branches.

    Just a word of warning about your Yak Trax's... don't wear them on ice, they work like ice skates and you will go flying. They work great on snow packed walks


  16. Another great month of finishes - you are a wonder!!

    Shoveling snow must be such a hard chore - especially if one lives alone and is getting older. What happens if if is just too physically demanding for anyone? Would you have to rely on a friendly neighbour, perhaps? There must be a lot of people who can't manage. We don't have this problem where I live, in New Zealand, just a little snow on the tops of hills and good coverings on the mountain ranges.

  17. Beautiful finishes Wanda! We got 12 inches here and I almost fell a couple times when I was shoveling. I had never heard of the Yaktrax until now, how did you like them and where did you buy them?

  18. What a great lot you got done in January! Beautiful, every one! I am so sorry about the snow. It does make you feel good, though, to know that you are helping the poor birds in the cold, doesn't it? I like your "snow tires"! Good idea.

  19. Wow, lots of projects done in January, and an ambitious list for February. Lovely snow pictures, but I'm getting a little tired of the snow here, lol! Those things you put on the bottoms of your shoes work great! We bought them when we lived in Iceland and have been using them ever since. If you walk around indoors with them, like at the mall or something, be careful. They're slippery on the floor.

  20. I just saw JJM's comment about not using the Yaktrax on the ice. Ours look like yours, and we use them on icy sidewalks and stuff, and they seem to work well. Guess you'll have to try it out--carefully!

  21. Even though I knew what was coming, that January recap awed me! It's stunning! Such beautiful quilts, every one of them and such an amazing amount of work!

  22. What beautiful quilts you continue to make and always so full of gorgeous fabrics and color!! You have accomplished quite a lot quilt-wise in January. Congratulations for meeting your goals!

  23. Your finish just impresses the heck out of me!! Those yaktraxs are the best thing. They got me through 26 years of winter delivering mail on walking routes without a major fall. Good stuff!


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