
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Another non-sewing day..........

I only had the last 100 pages in this book to read so I finished it yesterday.  It was every bit as good as his first book "The Kite Runner".  Now I have to find the second book and read it.  I'll check my library today.

Now that I'm down to the last three days of the month I have to get serious about the binding on the flannel quilt and a possible 4th finish for the month.


  1. I think lots of quilters enjoy reading also.

  2. I started a paperback in January.... and there it sits... unfinished!! "Telegraph Days", McMurtry. Nothing like a deadline, looming, to get one moving!!!

    Snow today, but I heard a Cardinal calling this morning, and then she came to the suet feeder... Saw robins last week... so spring may be closer than it looks out the window this morning!

  3. Good morning Wanda...I've not heard of these books, but I checked the library and they are all available, and in audio form as well, which is what I use so that I can listen while I work. The Yorkville library is connected with several hundred other libraries, spread over several states, and all I have to do is order them and pick up at the local library. If you are unable to find it in Sandwich, let me know and I will get it for you. We are able to keep books for 3 weeks. I will definitely have to order the 3 of them for myself when my list of ordered books gets smaller.

  4. I totally understand the need to stop everything and finish a good book. I believe at times like that our brain is working creatively in the background and such pauses are good!

  5. I have not read that author, sometimes I can't put a book down either I just so want to know what happens.

  6. I'll add that one to my Audible list.

  7. I'm traveling now so it's not too easy to get the sewing machine out to sew. Reading in the evenings is a great way to relax from traveling with 4 dogs and a cat. I haven't read these books but I guess they need to be on my list. I love my library and they have really helped me with getting best sellers.

  8. Since getting back from QuiltCon I haven't even sewed! I don't even remember what I was working on before I left. I don't think I will have many finishes for the month.

  9. He is an amazing writer. The second book was a more difficult story for me to read, still a page turner just more haunting.

  10. I am glad to see you taking a refreshing break.

  11. I read all three books - or listened to them, rather. Thought the first was the best, the second the second best, and the third the third best. So, in my opinion, if you loved both the first and third, you will definitely love the second. In the first, basically everything is seen and told from the point of view of boys or men; I found it so impressive that he could write that excellent book and then in his second book write a story, quite as impressive and convincing, told in the voice of girls and women. That was quite an accomplishment.

  12. I read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" - one of my most favorite books ever. I have his other two on my "to read" list. I think you would also like a book called "Behind The Beautiful Forevers."


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