
Monday, January 19, 2015

The birthday party.......

Yesterday was the first birthday party for my great grandson.  He was a little overwhelmed with the gifts, liked the cards and the lid to a plastic storage bin a lot.  He was napping at the beginning of the party so he was in good humor for the rest of the time.  I took 109 photos and haven't processed most of them yet on the computer.

His aunt baked his birthday cake which he enjoyed immensely.  I wonder if the sugar buzz has worn off yet!

Today the art quilters group is coming so I baked 2 batches of cookies yesterday and finished straightening the basement at 11:30 last night.


  1. always nice for a family visit and see a baby - glad you had a good time.

  2. Love the photo of your Great Grandson eating his birthday cake.
    Hope you had another nice day today.

  3. What a great day! Enjoy your art quilters today too!

  4. It is always funny to see a baby look at the "non-toys" as toys. Perhaps it is a lesson to us.

  5. Such a cute little guy, and of course a proud great-grandmother would take 109 photos. Enjoy the group today. You keep so busy, Wanda. I envy your energy and enjoy reading about your days.

  6. It looks like he had a great birthday party. I hope he slept that night ;-) I always love seeing them dig into the cake.

  7. Thank you Wanda for sharing the photo's of your great grandson. He is adorable ! Just want to hug him. Can't believe a year has gone by already.


  8. Gosh, Wanda, it's hard to believe he's one already. That's a great picture of him with the cake.

  9. I bet you just want to hug and kiss him all over whenever you see him Wanda. I know that's what I do whenever we see our youngest great granddaughter, now 6 months old. They are so darn hugable and loveable, you just want to squeeze them all over. Our eldest one will be 7 in a couple of months and I don't know where the time has gone.
    Love all the bright colors on this latest quilt.

  10. What a sweet (in more ways than one!) face. He looks like a charmer, and like he's having a good time!


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