
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

# 7 January finish.......

I finished the binding on the X and + quilt while I watched TV last night.  I LOVE this quilt!  I was explaining to my art quilting group that each block is a project in itself for this quilt.  You don't plan the whole quilt; you plan each block and when you have enough of them made you lay them out in a pleasing arrangement.

I have a piece of a Kaffe Fassett green print inserted across the backing of a Jane Sassaman print.

Two of the art quilters brought their finished trip around the world quilt tops.

This is the center of the one above.

The rail of my quilting machine is in the way to see the whole quilt from this angle but this photo showed the African fabrics the best.

Here is the full view.  I thought the students from my 2 classes might like to see some alternate fabric choices.  I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing or making this quilt pattern.


  1. I love your X and + quilt and while admiring it, I've got inspired. I like the idea of makings blocks without planning the quilt ahead.

  2. Love the "spontaneous x plus" design!

  3. Wow, I love your quilt! The fabrics really make it as usual. Love the backing fabrics too.
    I've often thought I'd like to do a trip around the world, particularly as colorful as your friends. Very pretty.

  4. I love all you colorful quilts but when I go to do one for myself I just look at it and say it is "too much to close together" and I put it aside so that I can buy some white to put in between. I have one quilt cut out now but have not sewn it together as I haven't cut out the white. Maybe it is time for me to just jump in and forget the white. Hummmm maybe it is time. Thanks for the inspiration and looking at many wonderful color combinations and quilts.

  5. It is all about the color for sure in this quilt - I love it and the one in the corner being slightly different really adds to it I think

  6. Oh yes I do LOVE your quilt , great backing too.

    Both your students quilts look fabulous.

    I have never made a Trip Around the World Quilt. Must put it on my to do list.

  7. The TATW quilts are fantastic and so is X! Love the mix of colors and pattern.

  8. X and + is really smashing! You are on a roll for 2015!

  9. wonderful the backing fabric you used. The art quilter's TAW quilts are fabulous. I agree, you can never get tired of a good TAW!

  10. This is a wonderful quilt- you'll never tire of looking and studying it. The TAW quilts are lovely, too. They are good sized!

  11. I've made four blocks, so far, and I'm hiding all the finished blocks in the closet so that each block is its own project, without the others to influence my choices.

    I plan to wait until they're all done, and then surprise myself with them all over again.

    I've satisfied my mild OCD tendencies by writing a short computer program that generates sets of four colors, no two sets of four alike. With nine colors/categories -- red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, brown, black, and wildcard/multi-color -- there are 126 different combinations. I give myself free rein regarding placement and value.

    Of course I am intrigued by the fact that some of your blocks have all four sections of the X the same, and some are 2 + 2, and some are all four different. I'll have to try harder to loosen up!


  12. Wanda, I LOVE your X and +!!! It is so vibrant, so explosive with color, so EXUBERANT!!! You'd better lock it up. :) And, your art group student quilts are awesome as well! Kudos to those quilters! When I come to your blog in the morning, I always get an inspirational kick-start to my day. Thanks!

  13. I also love this quilt! It is a joy to look at! I love your colours and the way you create quilts!

  14. X and +, shows your passion that goes along your title "Exuberant Color" ! I love that each block was a project in itself, it truly shows, and all stitched together it makes an amazing piece of art. I too love it.

    And thanks for sharing your Art Quilter's quilts, I am sure they were honored to be included on your blog today. They created wonderful pieces also.


  15. I really like your finished x & + quilt - love all the colours. And well done to the other 2 quilters for their TAW's - lovely colours used.

  16. I love the x and + quilt! I was just looking at that pattern yesterday and wondering how to coordinate colors. Your mixture is wonderful.

  17. I really adore this superb quilt and love the way it comes together from those individual blocks. A great concept.
    Anyhow, I made myself a design board which will give me a head start in laying out my blocks this way.
    Oh, how I'd love to be a member of your Art Quilt Group.

  18. Your X quilt turned out great! One of my all-time favorites, I'd have to say! And your art quilter's quilts are very nice, too!

  19. I LOVE your X and + quilt! That scrappy look is fabulous. Making that one must help clean out the stash and scrap basket! I generally make art quilts that I design myself, but I may have to veer off and start one of these. The 1 block quilt idea is another good one. Thanks so much for sharing your work.

  20. Yes, I love this quilt too! There is so much energy in the block, and your fabrics all look fantastic. What will you do with it? Maybe it's time to redecorate a little!

  21. LOVE the quilt you've just finished . . . and so happy that you love it, too.

    TAW quilts are stunning.

  22. Another beautiful finish! It is stunning, and each block is an experience in itself. You have some talented students, and I can see that they have a talented teacher. :)

  23. Gorgeous quilts. I love all the wild, crazy color in your quilt! You inspire me to try things out of my comfort zone. Everything doesn't have to be matchy matchy and in fact, it's much better with more colors and pattern.

  24. Sorry, I'm really behind, hope you don't mind this late comment! I, too, love this quilt! It's really scrappy and I love scrappy quilts. Did you pick fabrics for just each block as you made it, or did you select all the fabrics for the entire quilt before you started?


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