
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Things I love...........

12 pairs plus 2 singles, flannel pillowcases done and pressed, ready to gift.

My collection of Christmas postcards in the mail from Vicki Welsh, 3 from previous years and the Zentangle with crystals this year. 

A Christmas gift from a friend who knew I would love these Charley Harper drinking glasses.


  1. Wow. Fantastic postcards. The drinking glasses are also very nice!

  2. love the glasses, I have been thinking of getting some of the fabric but haven't yet

  3. That is a lot of pillowcases! I have three of Vickie's postcards which I posted not too long ago. It is so fun to see what she sends! I have never seen glasses with those designs. The look a bit mid-century modern to me. Love the birds!

  4. The pillow cases look great and I love those cards. Those glasses are really neat too.

  5. I may be a bit green. Vicki's cards are just delightful.

  6. I can hear you singling like Julie Andrews....."These are a few of my favorite things......." Those cards from Vicki Welsh are truly beautiful!

  7. I'm glad you love your cards! It's the least I can do for all I've learned from you.

  8. Wow! What a lot of lovelies! They are all special and beautiful and a token of the love you feel for others and that love returned right back to you. <3

  9. As usual, you are amazingly productive. And Vicki Walsh's cards are exquisite.

  10. I saw those Charley Harper glasses in a catalog and thought of you, Wanda. (I thought of me, too, but I don't have space to store more glasses or dishes.)

  11. Lucky You! I love your glasses and the cards are amazing.

  12. I have a friend who would just love those Charley Harper glasses. She is an avid birder and just discovered Charley Harper a couple of years ago. She and I took a detour to visit his amazing murals in the federal building in Cincinnati a couple of years ago. Too bad they're hidden away in such an out of place space!


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