
Monday, December 15, 2014

Red thread...........

I cut seven more pairs of pillowcases yesterday.  I only sewed the ones that needed red thread.  The fabric on the left is from 1994 and I have always loved it.  It was time to use it.

My tutorial for this style of pillowcase is here.  Since a sliver needs to be trimmed from the fold edge and no more than 1/2" from the selvage edge, I had to press out the fold line on all of the fabrics.  Then I lined up the selvedges perfectly and repressed in a fold line before taking the 2 yard pieces to the cutting table.


  1. What a clever way to make pillowcases! They look so nice and neat when put on the pillow. I'm going to give this a try. Thanks Wanda!

  2. Good morning Wanda....20 year old fabric might be hard to part with, but if you're making pillowcases for your family, they will treasure it as much as you have, over many more years to come. Acupuncture this morning, then more baking. Tomorrow I must do some shopping!

  3. I will have to try your method! It is annoying when the pillow starts creeping out of the case! I have some linen I want to make myself some pillow cases out of.

  4. Such pretty reds! And some of those older flannels are SO much softer and more durable than the newer ones.

  5. Thanks for the link on making the pillowcases. Red is the perfect color to be sewing at this time of the year.

  6. Love these red cases. I haven't made them this way, but will have to try it next time I make some!

  7. Since you wrote about cutting selvedges, I just wondered whether you've ever made anything with selvedges as has become popular the last few years? Or do you discard yours? Just curious.

  8. I got a kick out of the "red thread" comment. I've always hated mending and told my kids many years ago "I'm only mending it if the right color is on the machine" - they'd peek in and yell "she's got navy blue on the machine" and the parade would start.

  9. Thank you Wanda for putting together such a beautiful website. I'm enjoying your posts.

    I saw your Kindle cover you made, and love the way you put it together. I want to send you some of my colorful handmade buttons from my rural studio in Wisconsin. Will you let me know how to get in touch with you.

    Mrs. D


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