
Monday, December 29, 2014

Progress on two............

I looked at about 15 choices for binding for this quilt.  This seemed the most unlikely one but it worked the best.

I have the hand sewing almost done on three sides, one long side to go.

I'm quilting a little each day on this one, randomly spaced "straight" line rows of quilting.  My straight is pretty wiggly.


  1. I think the randomly placed "straight" rows will look great for this quilt - somehow a lot of rows never look straight either :) love the binding on the first one.

  2. Your binding choice is ideal! Looks great.

  3. Perfect binding choice! The lines are fine. I would rather see human lines than non human made super straight lines. They show the hand of the maker.

  4. Oh I wish I had been so productive this weekend! Apparently I needed a couple days off.

  5. Hi Wanda, my straight is always wiggly, and yours' looks pretty darn straight to me. I received a couple of ergonomic rotary cutters that I'm anxious to try, as soon as I get some free time. Have a great day!

  6. Straight lines are always so hard to accomplish. Yours don't look wiggly. That is a great binding choice.

  7. Liking both quilts Wanda!! Your straight lines don't look too wiggly to me!

  8. Love all the work you have done on these 2 quilts - lovely colours:)

  9. I really like the backing for your summery quilt, nice floral pattern.

  10. That binding fabric looks about perfect from here. And your wiggly lines sure aren't showing up on the screen.

  11. For sewing binding - always start in the middle of a long side. That way the home stretch is shorter!

  12. Isn't it funny? You just never know what will be the perfect choice, but I think you got it! Your lines looks pretty straight to me.


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