
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

One done, still quilting...........

The hand stitching on the binding is done.  I'll hang it on the design walls today and get a full shot of it.

I did lots more rows of quilting and now I need to make a decision how many more are needed so I can call it done.  I want it to stay soft so probably 2 more rows in both directions in every row, 26 lines of quilting. 


  1. Both are beautiful quilts! As always I love the colors., especially the hand dyed one.
    Happy New Years Wanda!

  2. Hand dyed one is going to be close... for a 2014 finish!!!!

  3. Great finish on the one Wanda and a soon finish on the other. Are you planning to finish it before the end of the year?

  4. You have really gotten a lot accomplished this last week of 2014!

  5. Looks like you'll have 2 big finishes to close out the year! You should take Thursday off!

  6. Cheerful fabrics make a cheerful quilt….love the yellows!

  7. It looks beautiful. Great finish, Wanda.

  8. Beautimus maximus! That binding is perfect!

  9. Both quilts look just great as usual.

  10. Two beautiful quilts for the end of year - difficult to choose my favourite from these two.


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