
Thursday, August 7, 2014


I have never been fond of the tumbler shape, but with all of the scraps I have, I need variety.  When the Studio dies were 40% off in July I decided to get the single die ($18).  I cut from scraps more often than from yardage.  I usually sew up a sample from my new dies to see how the nipped off corners line up.  One pass through the cutter yielded 10 pieces.
Is this a Monarch caterpillar?  There were 2 on this plant.  The other one is doubled up hanging from the bottom of a leaf.  I hope that means he is going to become a chrysalis. 

The plant they are on is a swamp milkweed.

There are lots of holes on the common milkweed plants too.  I have seen more butterflies this summer although still a lot less than in the past.  Mostly I see the yellow Swallowtails, a black one that I haven't gotten close enough to identify, and the Monarchs.


  1. The tumbler is not my favorite either!!! Have you found any dies that don't match up yet?

    It is a monarch caterpillar and their favorite plant is the milkweed! Fun fun fun... almost more than sewing!

  2. Yes, that is a monarch larvae. We have a lot of milkweed but only have seen two monarch's this summer, and we used to put the larvae in a 3 lb. peanut butter jar with a twig and lots of leaves which we added as needed. We punched holes in the lid, and the chrysalis hung from the lid, a beautiful lime green with gold dots.
    When it started to hatch we'd take the whole thing out to the table of the buzz saw, with the lid off and watch it hatch. Good learning experience for our 5 children.

  3. I have the Go! Tumbler but I don't use it a lot. It does make a quick quilt though.

    I am hoping for pictures of the progression from chrysalis to butterfly

  4. Lucky you Wilma.....I haven't seen any of these Monarch caterpillars in quite a few years. We have quite a few very large pots filled with flowers on our deck and it was fun to see the metamorphosis take place. BTW, I don't much care for the tumbler either, but I do like the fabrics you used for the sample, especially the purples.

  5. I'm not keen on the tumbler shape, it is at the end of a long list of want to make quilt shapes. I still have to tackle diamonds and triangles. That purple flowery fabric seems unusual to me, I wonder where it comes from?

  6. I happen to love the tumbler shape in quilts and am waiting to make my own out of scraps. I guess I will have to buy that die too. Your samples are going to look great in a quilt. We have very large yellow butterflies down here in southern Illinois and some black ones too.

  7. Yes, that is a Monarch caterpillar. I once picked a bunch of them off a milkweed plant indignant that they were eating up the plants that were for the Monarch butterflies. Duh. It had not occurred to me that the caterpillar stage was when they ate the plant. I had gently removed the caterpillars so I hope they climbed back on.

  8. Yes, it is a monarch. I literally just finished reading this article.

  9. Seems right with all I've read about them, Wanda. I'm not an expert, but when you said what kind of plant they were on, it struck a cord. That is the food they prefer.
    Tumblers are looking good!

  10. It was such fun to 'catch up' with your posts since last Friday. Have had company during that time and didn't have a chance to get to my computer.

    Your two finishes for August are wonderful. 'Gray Dotty' is a sensational background fabric for the awesome fabrics used for the zig-zag.

    Fractured Quilt is mesmerizing and love it too.

    Your garden tours are always a treat.


  11. I didn't like tumblers either until I got the die. Scrap quilts go together so fast with that die!

  12. Lovely monarch, do you have lots more milk weed plants? And the tumblers, not your usual pattern, but such a good way with those odd scraps. Cheers,Jean.

  13. I have tumbler Die for my Go and have been cutting tumblers using up a lot of my older fabrics, the GO die is not very big. Love your fresh Spring colours, and your caterpillar does look to be a Monarch butterfly in the making.

  14. I'm sure your tumbler will make everyone want to give it a try.

    I've also seen more butterflies than normal this year. Interesting!

  15. I've only ever made one tumbler quilt, somebody else cut the pieces with a die cutter for a retreat so we each had a set for a very scrappy quilt. I like my quilt, and it sure was easy to sew up. But since I don't even have a die cutter, I can't see making another one. It would be so much trouble to cut.
    Lots of people around here are advocating that you plant milkweed to enable the monarchs to survive and as way-stations for them on their long incredible journey. Apparently, milkweed is a favorite of theirs. So glad you have some for them, and that you've received visitors.


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