
Saturday, August 9, 2014


I mentioned a few days ago that I was going to get together with a friend and we might go shopping.  Yesterday was the day.  This is my loot for the day, half yards of batiks.

We spent some time at her house organizing her batiks.  We decided to divide them by color and get them all folded the same way.  Her shelves are deep so there is another layer of seldom used fabrics behind the batiks.  This shelf unit is in the closet.
There are also bookshelves along the walls with regular quilting cottons.  This was a great therapy session handling all of the fabric.


  1. Oh my! Come on down and organize my fabric, please.

  2. Those batiks are fabulous! You got a great variety.
    How would you organize a stash that is mostly FQs or even smaller amounts?

  3. Fun to play with fabric even if it isn't your own. Looks like you had fun with your purchases though. Glad you could get out and enjoy yourself. Chris

  4. I am in fabric envy of her stash! What fun to play with.

  5. What a fun day and what a wonderful collection of well organized fabrics you friend has!

  6. My mouth is watering Wanda and I am in awe of anyone who has that many gorgeous batiks, along with such a beautiful variety of cottons. It is so much fun to handle and run your fingers across the fabric as you fold and sort them. What a good friend you are to help her with this time consuming task and glad that you had such an enjoyable day.

  7. Awesome day! Shopping for and folding (petting!) pretty fabrics, and spending time with a friend. Only thing missing is actually sewing...and chocolate! Glad you had a nice day.

  8. Wow. That's just a party for your eyes!

  9. I love the batiks, especially the plaid/type one. I bet it was fun to help her organize and see what was there.

  10. Beautiful fabrics you bought Wanda and wow.....look at all those fabrics your friend has!! Now.....who has more you or her?? I can just imagine what fabric is behind the batiks!

  11. What beautiful assortments -- both your acquisitions and your friend's stash!

  12. Your 'loot' is wonderful. And your friend must be thrilled to have YOU for a friend to help her organize her fabrics. Bet she has opened her closet door several times now just to take a look at how pretty it looks.


  13. Folding fabric and sorting by colors is, indeed, therapy. What a nice day you had.

  14. Oh my. That is a lot of batiks.

  15. Oh your friend is so lucky to have help in re-organizing her fabric--I do so need to do mine by color. Great selection of batiks. Hugs, Julierose

  16. great shopping goodies, and your friend's collection, I could not call it stash by any means. What fun to organise,look, colour co-ordinate and more. Almost a fabric shop in her home, We dream of having fabric like that. Cheers,Jean.

  17. OMG what a stash!!! Mine is puny in comparison...would love to see yours one day ;)

  18. OMG what a stash!!! Mine is puny in comparison...would love to see yours one day ;)

  19. folding and straightening the stash is such a boring task... but MUCH more fun when there is company and chatter!

  20. I love your shopping loot especially the blue check one. I never see batik like that online but probably I am not looking in the right place. It sounds like you had a lovely day off but right in your zone!

  21. what a lovely stash of fabric - so many pretty colors!!


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