
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sewing centers.....

I am finally appliqueing the centers on the Spin blocks.  I was going to do them by machine with monofilament thread and the pick stitch but I decided if it got off center by even a tiny bit, that wouldn't be fun to rip out.  I started hand appliqueing and don't like the thread color on the first one so I'll pull that out.  I did 2 more with a better match of thread color.  Two down and 16 to go.
 I was a winner on Vicki Welsh's week of giveaways and I won the art glass soap dish and a bar of her handmade soap.

I just love them!!


  1. Ah.... some TV hand work... Lovely win, too.

  2. I have read Vicki's soap recipes and I am sure you will love using that soap. The soap dish is just lovely.

    Relax and enjoy the hand work.

  3. Sometimes handwork can be relaxing, especially if you aren't working against a deadline. What is a pick stitch?

  4. These blocks are so pretty and will look nice when you get the centers all finished. I have done some machine applique, but hand work is always nicer.

  5. Your hand stitching must be pretty good, I used to be able to hand stitch, but doing computer graphics in the early years ruined my hand for fine work. The blocks are amazing. Of all of Vicki's giveaways, I loved the soap dish best. So glad you won it!

  6. Love those spin blocks! I am so jealous of that soap dish! I wanted to win, but I am glad you did and that you love the dish. My turn next time! LOL!

  7. I have had some of her soap from time to time and it was pretty good - love the soap dish

  8. What a beautiful soap dish you won...congratulations on your giveaway win! I'm looking forward to seeing your finished quilt and love all the gorgeous colors you incorporate into your quilts. Have a good day.

  9. Wanda I don't know if you have ever tried using a small bit of one sided fusible on the back of your Spin blocks with the fusible facing up. I then place the circle where I want it and tap with the iron to hold it in place. It doesn't move when I hand stitch or machine stitch it down and I don't notice any difference in the appearance. Hope that makes sense. I usually cut the fusible in a square shape and just lay it all out on the ironing board. c

  10. Those blocks are going to be gorgeous and worth the time spent hand sewing the centers.

    I LOVE the soap dish.

  11. I made 2 quilts in that style . I still have the centre's to do on one of tem .
    Must get round to putting them on my blog .

  12. Your center looks great, it'll be a thrill to see the quilt with them all done. And congrats on the nice gift.


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