
Sunday, July 6, 2014

B is for basting....and baking......

I basted this little quilt yesterday.  It is ready to quilt on my straight stitch machine.

While it was cool I baked one of my favorite desserts.  It is supposed to be made in a 9" x 13" pan but I only like the edge pieces so I made it in my divided pans with 8 sections in each.  This way it is all edges and no center pieces.

I spent a lot of time outside cutting suckers growing along the stumps of the walnut trees and pulling weeds.  I finished mowing the grass too.  It is supposed to rain off and on for 3 days so my yard work is done for awhile.  

These are 2 of the pots in front of my garage.  The sweet potato vine has really gotten big.


  1. There are some things I only like the edges of too... brownies and blondies.... I haven't planted any pots except for the veggies (tomatoes, basil, cucumbers and kohlrabi)... That quilt looks so cheerful!

  2. I tend to like edges too, and muffin tops. Are those raspberries? It looks yummy!
    I have the sweet potato vine too as I love it's color and although it is growing, it seems to be list among the other flowers.
    Pretty quilt!

  3. Gosh that dessert looks yummy! What's it called? Are those raspberries? If you are having three days of rainy weather then we will have three days too, starting tomorrow. I'll have to get my outside work done, so I can enjoy some time with my machine inside after that.
    I stopped buying the lime green potato vine because it kept taking over my planters. The other varieties don't seem to grow so fast.

  4. Your cherry bars look like a recipe I have--a family favorite. How smart of you to make all those individual servings with the crunchy edges. That's the way to please the "give me an edge" members of a family.
    You're a triple threat today, Wanda -- pretty top ready to quilt, yummy bars ready to eat, and overflowing flower pots decorating your house. Enjoy the day.

  5. I really enjoy your pictures of everything. Your flowers look for fresh compared to the hot humid weather here in the south. Do you overwinter most of your plants or start fresh each year? I often pick up stressed plants at Lowe's to fill in spots. Have a good day.

  6. My potato wine sprawled all over the patio one year! I love that chartreuse color mixed with other plants.
    Your dessert looks yummy enough for a meal!

  7. I'm the crusty edge person too!!!

    That top looks so pretty. It will be nice to have that one all quilted.

    I'll bet your time in the garden is pleasant in the cooler weather too/

  8. That quilt is divine -- just wonderful!!!

    My MIL made a cherry dessert that looked similar to yours for years and years. I wish I had her original recipe - and baking it in the individual pans is a genius idea!

    Gotta love those shocking green sweet tater vines . . .

  9. The quilt and the cherry bars both look delicious! Have fun quilting this one.

  10. I think other readers besides myself would like to have that recipe. Cherry anything is tops on my list. Please! The quilt top is Wanda-ful as are the flower pots.

  11. I love your little quilt, very bright and cheerful. Please tell us the name of your yummy looking dessert, I have no clue what it is. I once had a beautiful sweet potato plant set into an antique pitcher on my front porch, it was beautiful and someone stole it !

  12. You really are a triple treat today. I'm happy you shared the divided pan idea to get the edges.

    Today I'm going to make rhubarb marmalade which is something I haven't done before. But enjoy anything rhubarb.

    Happy quilting your lovely little quilt.

  13. Yum! I'm hoping you'll share the recipe for those cherry goodies... And I like the quilt, too!

  14. That little quilt is fabulous! Love the border fabric and the dotted fabric in the quilt and - well, everything about it!
    Your dessert looks absolutely delicious - I too hope you share the recipe.

  15. I am still enjoying "The Review" ~ you are one in a million Wanda. Did you ever think when you first got into quilting of the many quilts that lie ahead ? You have been given a gift and have shared it with the world. Thank you...

    Pretty little quilt you posted today and OMG those cherry deserts on a summer afternoon... They would not stay long in your container at my house.


  16. I love that little quilt but what's really making me crazy is wishing I had that pan full of baked goods!

  17. Hi Wanda - that is a smashing little quilt - I love it!
    Cheers, Helen

  18. Oh my - dessert looks fantastic. Cherry loaf? Love that quilt!

  19. I like that star quilt ! How big is it?

    I hate to mention this, but I don't care for the word from the sponsors that comes up when I'm trying to see your pretty pictures. Hope that changes back soon. I know it's none of my business, and it's your blog, so ignore me if you like ! Sponsors I can CHOOSE to look at don't bother me, but I hate to be led somewhere I didn't want to go.

  20. I would love to find out more about that dessert. Can you share the recipe?

  21. That cherry dessert looks divine! You must share the recipe!!
    And love the quilt, of course.

  22. I really love this little quilt. And, I see that you are also artistic with your baking...clever too:)

  23. I am sorry I've been such a poor commenter lately, but I have caught up on all your beautiful posts and drooled and drooled - over whatever those little loaves were, over the fabrics and especially over all those gorgeous quilts!!! What an impressive body of work you've documented.

  24. Your quilt is lovely, and I'm looking forward to seeing it quilted.
    Your dessert of all edge pieces is wonderful; I have a college friend who to this day (40+ years later) still says her favorite parts are edges, corners and crumbs! Seeing yours is a little shot of happiness!

  25. Your desert looks so delicious, love both your plants and your quilt. You mention cutting grads how big is your lawn?

  26. #WOW Those tarts look wonderful. This is cherry season here in Central Washington. Do you share recipes?


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