
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Number 6 finish in March.....

Bear Trap, or should it be Bear Traps?, is finished.  It ended up about 60" x 75".  There are a couple wobbles in the quilting because of the stretchiness of the melon shapes and the bulk at the corners but I'm not taking it out.  This will be wrapped around a body, not entered in a show.  If you have ever tried to pick stitching with a fine thread out of flannel you know why.

By the way my goal was to finish 8 in March because I only finished one in January and one in February.  I had hoped to finish 4 a month when this year started.  I have 2 basted so I may hit the goal.  Or I could put another small one on the longarm and finish it the same day.....just thinking out loud here.


  1. I love this one - your color placement is very pleasing and effective!

  2. Brava!

    And I LOVE the name!


  3. Where's the LIKE button. Nice!

  4. Little wobbles mean it is handmade. It really looks warm and cozy. Chris

  5. This is soooooo cool. A wonderful snuggle up quilt!
    You are on a "quilting" roll this year. I'm enjoying seeing pictures of your awesome finished quilts.

  6. What a wonderful finish! Love that border.

  7. I particularly like the three little string pieced melons....nice to know there is a place for "oddballs" in your quilting universe!!!!

  8. It's beautifully done, Wanda, and will be deeply appreciated by its recipient.

  9. The quilt is wonderful!!! Once a flannel quilt is washed any wobbles go away and who would care anyway! Some will treasure this quilt!

  10. Bear Traps! I love it - Really cool looking I think and whoever ends up with it will love it I bet. I just love those few melons in there that you pieced wild

  11. Love this one, it's dynamic and gorgeous, but also looks like a great snuggle quilt. I totally understand not wanting to pick out fine quilting... I once had a quilt half quilted and absolutely hated the quilting I had done. I bought more fabric and started over from scratch! (that was many moons ago!)

  12. Spectacular! And the fact that it's in flannels is just a beautiful bonus.

  13. It looks wonderful and will be very cozy when wrapped around a body!

  14. Wanda-I am sorry, but I have to say this quilt is just bear ugly. In fact, it is sooo ugly you need to get it out of your state as soon as possible so as not to pollute the environment. I would be happy to dispose of it if you would like to send it to San Diego. We are already polluted so it wouldn't hurt our environment-just want to help you out:) Kidding aside-I love your warm flannel quilt.

  15. Those pieced melons add a lot of interest! And your borders look fabo too. Love it! You are rolling right along as always on finishing things!

  16. Very nice and very ambitious! I have been wondering how your project to throw out several things a day is going?

  17. Fabulous finish!

    Using those wonky-pieced melons makes it personal and extra special . . .

    p.s. I vote for traps (plural).

  18. One of my all-time favorites ever!!

  19. Congratulations! Beautiful quilt, all the better to hear that it's soft and cozy flannel.

  20. Looks super - I love the three pieced melon shapes

  21. Another great finish to add to your tally. Visually appealing with a Country Early American feeling.

    You set such unbelievable goals for yourself... No. 6 and two more to go before the 31st ! You really are burning the candle at both ends AGAIN.


  22. love, love, love this quilt! I have tried to unsew flannel-forget it! You are on a roll with finishing,way to go.

  23. i can almost feel the flannel through the computer screen. This quilt just screams "snuggle". I have this pattern & have precut the papers!! Maybe I should consider adding some fabric & have my own snuggle quilt!!

  24. THat is a big goal, but you can do it!

  25. Great snuggle quilt - so good for our endless winter.

  26. This is gorgeous, lovely and huggable.

  27. I love your blog and I suddenly realised today that your photos are so wonderful, could you do a post telling us what you are using and how you take them, startling clear colours - I have a hard time getting it in focus! Thanks,

  28. Love it! Maybe especially, the couple of unusual melons that snuck in there. I really don't do any machine quilting, but if I did, I'd NEVER take any out, no matter what. That has got to be the most tedious unseeing ever!
    And, I'm overwhelmed just at the thought of a goal of finishing four quilts a month! Not that I doubt you could do it! It excites me, because it means so much beauty for me to enjoy!


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