
Saturday, March 15, 2014


This is my final candidate for the binding for this quilt.  I pulled three that I thought would work and this is the winner.

I test it by laying a folded edge under the raw edge of the quilt with both the front and back of the quilt showing.  That way I know if I will like it with both sides of the quilt.

Here it is sewn on and half of it is hand sewn on the back.  All three backing fabrics are shown here.

I spent quite a bit of time in the basement yesterday.  This piece has been waiting for its last border for about a year so I finally sewed it on.  I will square up the piece so the border will not end up the same size all the way around.  I think I have it upside down here...I'll have to check on an old photo of it. 
Also while down there I matched up odd sizes of batting with quilt tops.  I always label leftover batting with its size and I just updated my list of unfinished tops which has sizes listed also.  I just match it with one on the list, then locate the top and hang the batting on the same hanger with the top.  Now I just need to choose backings for the 6 I matched up.

I decided not to show the baby quilt I made until I gift it.


  1. great choice for the binding. I really like the other top you sewed the last border on.

  2. I love the binding that you choose - perfect

  3. The binding is just perfect! Looks so neat to see both sides of the quilt with it. Love the strip one also, so juicy with color.

  4. Love your wonky log cabin quilt.

  5. That's a neat trick with the binding fabric. I fold the piece and lay it under the edge of the top, but never have put it between the top and the backing so that I could see both at once. I hope I remember this little tip. Thanks !

    Great choice,too. I really like this quilt.

  6. Binding, a great thought to see both front and back at the same time, it suites so well, And the last top, love those bright colours, super as always, your designs never fail to entrance. Cheers, Jean.

  7. Perfect choice for your binding, really gives it a big finish. And the final addition to your unfinished block is tantalizing !


  8. Fabulous colors today . . . just what I needed to see!

  9. The Beaded Tents fabric is one of my favourites, it has such a depth to it, looks great on your quilt.

  10. Hi Wanda...thank you for worrying about me!! I was worried too..but here I am..cannot keep a good quilter down for too long...My you have been busy while I was gone..great work as usual...sorry about your fall..guess you are all better now...

  11. That binding looks great with all the fabrics!

  12. What a wonderful binding, and an even better tip for how to choose a binding for a quilt! I LOVE this last piece! You are such a master of color! I want to take a class from you!

  13. Perfect binding choice. I love that last quilt, it looks very three dimensional - at least in this pic; is the effect the same when you look at the actuat quilt .

  14. I had every confidence you would find the perfect binding and you certainly did!

  15. Oh wow! What gorgeous colours xx


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