
Friday, March 14, 2014

A productive day........

I packed up pieces for several projects and went to the twice monthly sew in.  I got the rest of the wedges sewn together for Wild Wedding and sewed triangles that will be used in top and bottom borders on Mega Churn Dash.  I also sewed a baby quilt top together.  I started it Wed. night and quilted and bound it yesterday afternoon.  I'll show it tomorrow.
As long as I had the quilting machine turned on I loaded this quilt and quilted it too.  With 3 different fabrics on the back and lots of color on the front I'm going to have to hunt for a binding that looks good on both sides.


  1. Busy stitching..... and so much done! We'll be waiting to see much more tomorrow!

  2. with all of that going on in the quilt, I would probably opt for a solid. But I will be interested to see what YOU choose.

  3. I don't think I've seen the quilt on the bottom before. It is simple but fabulous. A great way to use some Kaffe fabrics. I love your blog and your quilts!

  4. Love those safari prints and that super bright quilt on the bottom makes me smile!

  5. You've been a busy lady. Looking forward to the pictures

  6. You've been a busy lady. Looking forward to the pictures

  7. As usual you had another productive day!

  8. Always enjoy the photo's and to hear about your days. You always make me take a deep breath with all you accomplish every day.


  9. Oooh, that looks like my favorite Phillip Jacobs fabric on the quilt back. The front is really good, too. I don't know. My money is on you coming up with the perfect fabric in your amazing stash! I'm beginning to think of you as being related to the Energizer bunny. ;)

  10. Sounds like a great day! That's what I like to do at quilt retreats: bring projects I've done a lot on, that just need the last serious push before they're done. Sometimes I can finish 6-7 projects at a retreat, and it feels so good. I wish I had a sew-in which is like a mini one day retreat. Good for you!

  11. It always feels good to get a lot done.


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