
Sunday, February 2, 2014

It's not going to work.........

This is the layout I thought I wanted to use, zig zags superimposed over a stripe background, but as I put the last 16 blocks up I realized it won't work.  Look closely at the lower end of the light color peaks and you will see that the seams don't line up.

When blocks are lined up like this, everything is fine.

But when the blocks are like this, the seams don't match up.  The only way to make it match would be to trim the 2 edges with the long stripe, on every block and I think that would throw off the balance of the block.

So......I'm back at the design wall.  Here are the stacked spools again, all 48 blocks.

On this one the second and fourth rows of spools are turned a quarter turn.

This one is every other spool horizontal/vertical.  I like this layout as well as the stacked spools, and of course I like the original Twisted Rail.  I don't think I will have any new snow to shovel today so maybe I'll get the blocks sewn into a top.


  1. So which layout did you choose? Me, I like the last... has some depth and dimension. It would be fun to exploit that with the quilting.

  2. I like all of them, but the last one is my favorite. I hope to do some sewing this afternoon too and I have some handwork ready so I can keep hubby company during the Superbowl.

  3. I like the last one best. It has more of a dimensional look and is more interesting to look at.

  4. Well that's a bummer! I think I like stacked spools the best of the other options. Not that you asked. :-)

  5. I like the stacked spools,I'm sure you will come up with something great looking as you always do :)

  6. Too bad about the zig zag. I do like all the variations of the stacked spools.

  7. Love the material in this quilt-really like the last layout the best and the second one second best.

  8. Too bad about the chevron look. I really liked that one. but moving on...I like the every other one turned. It gives a great depth to the overall look.

  9. Oh dear! Well, you have plenty of other options.

    I like the stacked spools, but for some reason I think I would get tired of it quickly. Less movement?

    I am interested to see what you decide!

  10. Personally, I don't see a problem with the top picture. I really like that layout. But then all of them look good.

  11. I like all of them, maybe the last one best. Will it also make twisted braids? If so, that could be another option.

  12. Darn the luck! I really liked that zig zag layout.....oh well. Of your remaining options, I think I like the one where the second and fourth rows of spools are turned a quarter turn.

  13. I did like the top one, but seeing that it doesn't line up, the last layout is stunning, definitely my choice. You are the master for giving us options to like or not. Lovely colours that show off so well with subtle tonings. Cheers, Jean.

  14. Too bad that one did not work. At lease you saw it before you started joining them!

  15. I quite like the last layout - it is interesting and quite rich looking.


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