
Thursday, February 27, 2014

And then there were 6......

I pieced the two combinations that I cut on Monday and added them to the mix.

This will be the next combination that I cut.  I hope that diagonal stripe looks good in a wedge.  The fabric on the left is #02 in the Kaffe collection.  I'm not sure what year he had his first fabric printed.  The first time this one appeared in a book was in 2000.
I finished three mug rugs.

One of my baby cacti has a bud on it.  These are all pieces that broke off the big plants and I rooted them last year.  This might be white or pale pink.

If it is white it came from this one which has a very pale pink tint to the middle part but is luminous white otherwise.


  1. This looks really neat. I just love the flowers. I need to look for some plants. I looked a little at Christmas and didn't find anything. Chris

  2. It's going to be a very lively quilt in the prints you're choosing. I'm wondering about matching those seams. Does it go together nicely?

  3. The blocks are looking good. I can hardly wait to see what you do for the centers.

  4. I have to say, the word that comes to mind is psychedelic (how retro)! It will be hard to sleep in the room that contains that quilt!

  5. I especially like the looks of the block in the upper right corner. You really have a green thumb.

  6. Well you are using vintage fabric for this. Vintage Kaffe at least. I am waiting anxiously for my orchid blossoms to open up.

  7. No matter how many quilts you show us I always think that is going to be my favorite. But, then the next day I say the same thing. This one is going to be stunning!
    Still no buds on my plants, but they are still alive so thats a start. Those hands of yours are magic.. quilts,
    plants, knitting and all the other things that you do.
    Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  8. Those blocks are great! Will the center circle be appliqued? Love the white flower. So pretty!

  9. As always, I love it! I'm contemplating buying the book because the quilts you've made from it are stunning! :)

  10. love those blocks, I remember making a tiny version of that block for both of my Dear Jane Quilts - 4.5 inches :)

  11. Colorful modern blocks. I'm going to enjoy watching this quilt grow.
    YUMMY mug rugs. I never grow tired of seeing pictures of your beautiful mug rugs!

  12. I am really loving how these blocks are looking. Just so fun! How big do they end up to be?

  13. How many cactus do you have?? So many pretty colors of blossoms. And you must have the perfect spot to set them so they bloom so well.

    itskarenk at yahoo dot com

  14. Love those wedge shaped blocks-yes, there is one in my Dear Jane but not like those! I have to start and finish "Red Center" (which will be "purple Center" for me first before I can think about more KD quilts-but I would love to!

  15. I am enjoying watching your 'pin wheel' blocks multiply. Each one just is dazzling, and can almost see them spin.

    Your mug rugs so vibrant just waiting for a cup of hot steaming chocolate on these cold winter days.

    You are the Cacti pro for sure... They love it in your house and gift you with those beautiful blossoms.


  16. I am really liking these blocks and the fabric combinations you have going! It's going to be so pretty.

  17. That quilt is going to be fabulous - your fabric combinations are just so perfect for each block!
    You really do have a green thumb. It is so nice to see some green right now as we dip back into the polar vortex.

  18. I'm loving these blocks!!
    Called my usual book store/gallery to see if they had this one in store - but not arrived as yet. I have seen snippets of it on Material Obsession site.
    Look forward to seeing your finished quilt.

  19. Cactus flower almost transparent, lovely, super wedges, but the mug rug colour combinations are my pick of the bunch today. Cheers, Jean.

  20. Love it, Love it. What beautiful colors! Will be watching for the finished quilt.

  21. I LOVE those blocks!!!

    Your cacti are doing so well.

  22. The wedge blocks are incredible… your combinations!

  23. I like the combinations on the blocks!


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