
Thursday, January 2, 2014

First start of 2014.....

I didn't get this one started on New Year's Eve like I thought I would but it was started on New Year's Day instead.  Good grief, these blocks are big!

I had to lay out the whole block (actually 4 blocks according to the book) to make sure I had values distributed well.

Each color block is 28" x 24" so maybe I will just stay with the 9 colors like the book.

I need to cut the rest of the green pieces and definitely need a lot of different values as these are all too much alike.

In my effort to throw away 14 items a day, I came across this, an envelope with plastic templates and 2 hexie flowers from around 1975-77.  I was one of the first quilting teachers in my area during the revival of quilting at the bicentennial (1976).  There were very few quilt shops at that time and most just used a small corner for classes.  I made these for a demonstration of English Paper Piecing (EPP).  They are ugly, outdated, but part of the history of my teaching career.  I gave my first quilt class in 1975 and my first program and workshops for a quilt guild in 1987.  No, I didn't throw them away.


  1. Wow, those blocks are huge.... 9 is a good number... and will make a 3x3 quilt... They sort of look like Chinese Lanterns. yeah those hexies are dated looking.

  2. Not necessarily ugly, but not your taste now. Fabric choices have changed so much over the last 40 plus years. Back then the choices were slim to none. Just shows how you have evolved since then. Chris

  3. Thanks for including your sewing machine in the top picture or I would not have "gotten" just how big the blocks are.

  4. As usual, your color blocks are inspiring to me. I am sitting down and charting my ongoing projects, making a wish list to sew, and taking pictures to get my blog on track. Big blocks must be a real change up from what you have been working on.

  5. I love this design...I can't wait to see it all together!! Please post your next colour blocks!

  6. Happy New Year, Wanda! I see some of my b/w fabrics in there; makes me proud to be saving the same designs as the "master."

    That Comma collection fits just everywhere, doesn't it?

  7. Oh My Goodness, I have three of the prints. Those fabrics were a real treasure at that time. I am glad that you kept them.

  8. a lot of scrap hexies may look ugly standing alone but when in a hexie quilt they will not stand out - my opinion - of course I'm making a hexie quilt so my feelings differ - also you use such different fabric now.
    I love those big blogs, I have seen this pattern someplace and can not think where - I had thought of making it at one time. (or one like it anyhow it)

  9. Watching from afar - and loving the colors.

  10. Love this new one! It feels so "spring-ey" to me with the white.

  11. I really like your use of background fabrics in your new project. I already has a happy feel to it.

  12. those blocks are a lot bigger than they look in the book for sure! Coming along so well though...hugs, Julierose

  13. Love the new project!
    So hard to let go of old stuff, isn't it? I have been purging, but I have to go back two, maybe three times, and purge some more.

  14. Hi Wanda,
    I really like your work. Rainbow colors have always been a favorite of mine. You have given me several ideas of ways to use up my scraps. Best to you this year.

  15. Love the new blocks with the B&W background. I am doing a EPP Pies and tars quilt. Instead of sewing the material onto each piece I tried using the starch/iron applique method and it worked beautifully. i showed a lady my process who was having trouble with her hexies because of arthritis and I heard later that she loved it. I started my niece's wedding quilt yesterday using your 16 patch tutorial-Thank-You!!!

  16. Those blocks look great!! It will be a quick finish with blocks that large.


  17. I have some of that same old fabric. Wonder why? Wig.

  18. Personally, I have a big soft spot for those old calicos. Maybe it is growing up with Little House on the Prairie that did it. They were heavily featured in my first quilt top (still unquilted), and I'd like to do something else with them some day. :D

    Some day....

  19. Hello! I'm back! I LOVE big blocks! I am looking forward to seeing this come together. Throw away 14 things a day is a interesting goal.

  20. I know I've seen those blocks around and LOVE them. Is that from Material Obsession or another book? Keep thinking I should make some of those since they'd go relatively quickly.

  21. Wanda what fun pieces to be working on. Large blocks are nice, they progress swiftly. And what glorious, colorful fabrics ! Great start to the New Year.

    Oh yeah ~ I too have a stash of Calico's that I just do not know what to do with. I have those exact prints in my stash and keep trying to come up with something to do with all of them. It really is a challenge to say the least.


  22. When I started quilting the color choices were red, white and blue, dusty blue and mauve, peach and green or browns and rusts. I went with the browns and rusts.
    I love your big blocks and will be watching to see how your quilt develops.

  23. No, I couldn't have thrown them away either! I actually still have the sandpaper hexie templates I used in my very first quilt class back in 1978. It may seem silly, but I treasure them. You could have been my teacher if we had lived in the same areas :*)

    I've seen Soul Searching around the web, and your post just made up my mind for me - I'm making it!!! I've been following for a while, just not commenting. Just wanted to say thanks as always for the inspiration ♥

  24. Those are quite the big blocks Wanda- as always beautiful color combos-
    I could not throw away those english paper piecing blocks either- our quilt journeys are important and you have had a fabulous one - I am sure you will find more treasures as you cull your collection.
    Wishing you a fantastic 2014- Hope all is well with you and yours.
    Warmest regards,

  25. Wow, those are big. I'm going to live this quilt. It comes at a good time for me as I'm trying to make color choices for a wedding quilt for my son. I'm going to use the Garden Fence pattern as I like its graphic look.
    The sashing in most I've seen is white but I was considering a soft grey with a color scheme of bright green, turquoise and maybe some pink/orange.
    I really like yours. The neutrals seem to have a grey value though I think they're mostly black on white. Am I right?
    If you don't mind, I'm going to send you a photo of some fabrics I've got laid out. I have to order the sashing on line, about 5 meters so I want to be sure.

  26. I think I have all 4 of those old fabrics still in my fact, the binding on a waiting quilt will be the one in the middle of the left !!!

  27. That is going to be a fabulous quilt!
    English paper piecing. Yikes! I never could get my stitches invisible enough to satisfy me.

  28. Can't wait to see this one come along -love your great selections of neutrals.

  29. I'm addicted to EPP….it's fun to see your blocks from your teaching days…..I would appliqué the two to a tea towel or depending on how big they are, back them and make mug rugs.

    The "big" blocks are fun!

    Happy New Year!

  30. Those are big blocks, but you already have 2 done!! That will be a very colorful quilt top. You should make the hexagon flower pieces into a pincushion, so they are useful. It is nice to know where you started from and where you have traveled to in your quilt adventures.

  31. "In my effort to throw away 14 items a day" -- would love the details of that. I'm sure many of us could benefit from that. You are an inspiration!

  32. Love the new project, including the fact that the blocks are so huge. I find that very attractive. Might have to try that one.
    Are you actually throwing away 14 things every day? For how long? Do they all have to be sewing things? Can you give or donate some of them or do you have to throw them away? What prompted this resolution? It seems a little extreme.

  33. I'm not sure about 14 items a day but I have been to our local thrift store with stuff 3X in the last 2 weeks and now I'm armed with new boxes to fill up from Christmas mail orders.

    I love your blocks! I gave my stash of dusty blue & mauve to my Mom a few years back and she made a very pretty quilt. I enjoy seeing it but don't want to go back to that color palette ever!

  34. THose blocks may be big, but they are lovely and will make a bright cheery quilt! It is hard to toss out history like that!

  35. The blocks are really big, but, so much fun. I did the exact thing you are doing. I laid the 4 blocks out, and made sure there was good variation in them. It helps make it so much better in the end!

  36. Sorry if I missed it but did you say which book your pattern is from? I like those blocks,


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