
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cleaning up......

I need to clear off my design walls so I started sewing some tops together.   I left the edges of the 8' wide design wall in the picture so you can see this quilt is big.  I'm contemplating adding to 2 sides to make it into a more rectangular shape.

I have been making the blocks for this quilt when I go to the twice monthly sewing day.  I decided to stop this one at 52" x 60".  It is mostly Brandon Mably fabric with a few Kaffe and Philip Jacobs fabrics added.  For this one you pair 2 fabrics and cut one 2.5" strip of each.  Cut four 8" pieces from each strip, take one piece of each and slice it down the middle lengthwise.  That will make 2 blocks that look so different that you won't notice you have 2 blocks of the same fabrics in the quilt.
I have continued making 6" blocks with the leftovers from the plaid/stripe log cabin quilt.  I have cut the scraps into 2.5" squares, 4.5" squares and 2.5" x 6.5" rectangles.  Every block is pieced the same.  I might use these in the pieced backing of the log cabin quilt because they aren't very attractive together.

The second double Amaryllis flower has bloomed.  I think there might be a third one now.  It is a pretty small bud so I'll be patient and see if it develops into a flower.


  1. I would have had to close my eyes to stitch the plaid bit together.... Makes my head crazy to work on something that I am not crazy about!!! Love the Sewing Day one...

  2. I just stumbled across your blog from another and love your use of colour. I have actually just been talking about how I need to get braver with my colour choices and having a play with some brighter half square triangles than I would normally use so I was so pleased to find your inspiring blog! Gorgeous! That log cabin quilt, oh my I can only dream to create something as bold and beautiful.
    Anyway sending a wave from a quilting enthusiast from across the pond.

  3. Love the Brandon Mably top!! I really had to study the picture to find the blocks made from the same fabrics!! I have several of the same fabrics and I think this might be the inspiration for my next quilt!! LOVE your blog!

  4. love them all - I have to agree with Beth on plaids - I am like that with wild prints in black and white I get dizzy looking at theme and one I did when quilting I could only quilt for short spurts as I was almost getting sick from it LOL

  5. Using the scrappy plaids as the backing for the log cabin sounds like a good plan . . .

    And I agree with your thought to add enough more of the soul searching blocks to make the quilt rectangular.

    Wonderful colors today!

  6. Just finished the 16 patch inspired by your series-thank-you. Really like that middle quilt. Question-when folding/petting fabric the other day, It feels like the Fassett, Mably fabrics are a little thinner than some of my other quilt shop quality fabrics. Does that effect the quality?

  7. I like the leftover plaid. Would be a great back or stand alone quilt for a guy.

  8. I think the reason the leftover plaid blocks aren't as appealing as others is that there's no focal point....the pattern density (smallish plaids) is very similar in each fabric. That's not a terrible thing; it's just how the eye perceives it. OTOH, the skinny strips blocks are a delight to view, and to puzzle out. I have admired your bright-and-B&W strips as you've brought them along.

  9. I love those Brandon Mably blocks!! I think adding the two borders to the Black and white would work perfectly.

  10. An absolutely stunning post today Wanda. Watching your 'Soul Searching' blocks grow into even a better layout than in the book has been a treat.

    Now this new one resembling a basket weave, really caught my eye, I love precision and this one has it all the way.

    Using every scrap is your motto... those plaids and stripes have a wonderful homespun feeling.


  11. Love all the colors today, especially since it is dark and foggy here today. Last week blizzard, today fog. I love the 2 1/2" strips block idea, really interesting.

  12. Love your show of colors today. Thank you for the instructions on the Brandon Mably quit, need to make it. I always enjoy your flowers. Have a great day.

  13. Wow it is a large quilt!
    What a great quilt below with the strips, thanks for sharing how this was made , it's got to go on my "to do" list.

  14. I love the tessellated quilt. Very striking. Are you thinking of making another row on one side to make it longer or borders? The scrappy one is cute and looks like fun too.

  15. I had no idea those blocks are that big! So interesting... I just can't stop looking at it,

    I love quilt #2 too. Big impact from an easy block - can't go wrong with that.

  16. How much fun is this second quilt going to be? Yet another cool quilt! Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. That is a big quilt - and a very stunning quilt! Looking at your use of colour is a real bright spot on a winter day!

  18. Love the first one. The second one is very interesting. Would live to see a tutorial in it.

  19. love the quilts. always so inspirational. would love to know how to make the top quilt and what the block is called.

  20. What colorful, beautiful quilt! All on my list of quilts to make sometime in the future.


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