
Monday, December 16, 2013

A little quilting......

I started the month of December with the intention of getting several quilts quilted.  The month is half over and I hadn't done one yet.  Yesterday I decided to get started.  This quilt has been basted for almost a month and now is a little over half quilted.
I'm ditch quilting every row crosswise on the quilt and that will be all I will do.  The lines are 2" apart.  I  hope to finish it today and get the binding sewn on right away.


  1. wooh! look at that wake-up backing! I love it!

  2. I had the same lofty goals. I am almost finished with one, but still have another one to quilt before Christmas!

  3. Got to love Kaffe. I am all for the brighter the better as long as it is hot pink or blue.

  4. I had hoped to accomplish more quilting as well, but at least I've been able to do a little along the way despite the season's activities.

  5. Love the Kaffe backing and the straight line quilting!

  6. It could be much worse-you could be writing this post on the 30th:) Knowing you, you will have more than this one done this month. It is beautiful.

  7. This is so beautiful!

    When you ditch quilt do you alternate directions? I have trouble with straight line quilting.

  8. Ohhhhhh, those colors . . . GORGEOUS!!!!

  9. Oh, what a beauty, and that is perfect backing!

  10. This is beautiful. I had hoped to make several quilts this month, but it hasn't happened.

  11. Your quilt is lovely! I didn't get much quilting done this month either because I got hung up on making stockings - pardon the pun. When you do stitch in the ditch, do you use a special foot for that or a regular walking foot? I was wondering because my sister-in-law just purchased a stitch in the ditch foot, but has not tried it yet.

  12. Lovely colors and great stuff that you are taking this on so close to the holidays!


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