
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Still working on the borders...........

My test yesterday was to decide whether the pieces of the border should be random lengths or the same exact size as the blocks.  I only need to put borders on the sides since the top and bottom already have light fabric edges.  The test border on the left is OK, the one on the right is nice and tidy.  I think I'll probably do the one on the right.
I have been complaining that the trees aren't as pretty this year but since the heavy frosts several days in a row last week, we are now seeing color.  The maple tree across the street from me just turned brown and the leaves fell off.  It is usually really pretty.  This one 2 doors north is really pretty.

I have one maple in the back yard too and it just started to turn a couple days ago.  I think it will be even prettier in a couple days. 


  1. I like the border on the right side. The left side seems to distracting from the wonderful quilt top. Yes it seems as if our weather has made a difference as far as fall color. Many of my trees have lost all their leaves but the ones with leaves are beautiful.

  2. Yes, the border on the right. It is like the border is an extension of what is going on in the main quilt. Maybe I should post some of my heavy frost photos from Monday.

  3. I love the way you are choosing to do the border - it looks great and the white/cream prints really finish it off right.

  4. The blocks the same size as the blocks look better to me than the random length.

  5. I agree that the border on the right looks the best. It truly is an extension of the quilt. Great job-this is a wonderful piece!

  6. Ditto the right border. Your tree is beautiful! Autumn have enough pretty here but not as spectacular as previous years. I think we got too much rain th is year.

  7. It is unanimous-the right. We have no trees turning here in Sunny Cali-at least not in my view. A nice benefit of living in an area with actual seasons.

  8. I am with you.....I like the one on the right. We have had some pretty autumnal color here in Missouri!

  9. Whatever border you decide will be perfect.

    No leaves left on our trees... we are definitely working toward winter here in the mountains.


  10. I love your resolution to the dilemma - that right border is great!!

  11. Love your border choices! Our leaves are mostly on the ground now but they were spectacular this fall... wish they could last for months.

  12. The border on the right hand side is great!

  13. We have not had a frost, yet (maybe tonight) but some of our oak leaves are a beautiful golden yellow!

  14. Just to throw a monkey wrench in there! I think you could've gone either way with the border, and using just one of the fabrics would've worked very well also. There's so much going on already in the quilt, that it's hard to make a mistake! It's an awesome quilt, and you've really impressed me with your pics of the different lay-outs and various versions of this quilts. I just bought the book. I have a ton of black and white prints, and this may just be how I get to use some of them - some day!


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